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전체뉴스 41-50 / 2,227건

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    국내 최대 미술거래 시장 '아트부산' 5월 개막

    ... 13번째 행사를 맞이하면서 한국을 넘어 아시아와 세계시장을 연결하는 글로벌 아트페어로 성장하고 있다"며 "아트와 휴양을 결합한 아트부산만의 매력을 만날 수 있는 '창조적 휴양의 장'을 방문객에게 선보일 예정"이라고 말했다. 개막 2개월여를 앞두고 입장권을 10% 할인하는 사전예매를 오는 18일부터 한정 판매한다. 티켓은 1일권, 2일권, 전일권(PREVIEW), 컬렉터스 패스(Collectors Pass) 총 4종으로 구성돼 있다. /연합뉴스

    한국경제 | 2024.03.11 09:17 | YONHAP

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    '대구국제섬유박람회' 13일 개막…국내외 322개사 참가

    국내 최대 섬유소재 비즈니스 박람회로 자리잡은 '대구국제섬유박람회(Preview In Daegu)'가 오는 13일 엑스코에서 개막한다. 10일 대구시에 따르면 올해로 22회를 맞는 이번 박람회는 '적응성(Adaptability)'을 주제로 사흘간 펼쳐진다. 특히 올해는 기존 전시관인 엑스코 서관(1만㎡)보다 훨씬 큰 동관(1만5천㎡)에서 열려 행사 규모가 한층 커졌다. 전시장은 원사·직물 소재관, 친환경 소재관, 첨단융복합 소재관, 디지털 자동화관, ...

    한국경제 | 2024.03.10 08:35 | YONHAP

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    Jo Woo-jong, did you know about Hyun Bin♥Son Ye-jin's marriage 4 years ago?

    It is revealed that Jo Woo-jong is a pilgrimage MC. Jo Woo-jong, who hosted the preview of the movie 'Negotiation' before Hyun Bin married his wife Son Ye-jin, is said to have revealed the reason why he called Hyun Bin "groom", raising ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.27 16:24 | Yuna

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    Ahn Bo-hyun caught a murderer.

    Ahn Bo-hyun caught a murderer. As the SBS Friday-Saturday drama 'Flex x Cop' preview video for episode 8 has been released. In the previous episode 7, conglomerate detective Jin Yi-soo (played by Ahn Bo-hyun) and Kang Ha-seo's powerful team ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.24 09:24 | Bella

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    'Exhuma' starring Choi Min-sik and Kim Go-eun ranked first at the box office on the first day of its release.

    The movie 'Exhuma' immediately took first place at the box office on the first day of its release. According to the integrated cinema ticket network, 'Exhuma' attracted 330,189 people on the first day of its release on the 22nd. A to...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.23 17:37 | Bella

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    NCT Wish receives rave reviews from Japanese media

    NCT WISH received attention from Japanese media. NCT WISH, who appeared at 'SMTOWN LIVE 2024 SMCU PALACE @TOKYO' held at Tokyo Dome in Japan for two days from February 21st to 22nd, unveiled the title song 'WISH' of their debut singl...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.23 10:21 | seah

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    Three reasons to look forward to NCT Taeyong's comeback

    NCT Taeyong makes a solo comeback. Taeyong will release his second mini-album 'TAP' on various music sites at 6 PM on February 26th, and prior to this, he will hold his first solo concert 'TY TRACK' at the Olympic Hall in Seoul Olymp...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.22 10:14 | seah

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    'The Birth of Korea', a film about the life of former South Korean President Syngman Rhee, will be screened at the U.S. Congress

    ... domestic box office success, 'National Foundation War' was also released at CGV in the United States. On March 20th, a preview screening will be held at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., hosted by the Korean-American Association, an American community ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.21 16:47 | Bella

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    An asset management company that resembles DEX made a great flirtation.

    ... Train', a large-scale matching show on an unprecedented scale, the third round of 'Speed Dating' begins. The published preview predicted a last-minute flirting crisis. Participants who have not been able to express their feelings so far are actively appealing ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.20 21:49 | Bella

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    BTS J-Hope reveals new project promotion schedule

    ... STREET VOL.1' and the documentary series of the same name. According to the promotion schedule, starting with J-Hope's preview cut on the 22nd, an album preview on the 24th, and a highlight medley that provides early access to some of the new album's ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.02.20 14:03 | seah