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    전체뉴스 16561-16570 / 16,732건

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    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 공갈

      Collins became quite upset when he learned that Milly, his nineteen-year-old daughter, had hitchhiked alone from Seattle to San Diego. "Why, you could have been molested, assaulted, and raped!" he stormed. "I was perfectly safe, Dad," said Milly...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.28 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 남의 떡

      On one of those inane game shows, the master of ceremonies asked an old man, "So you''ve been married for fifty years, sir. Tell me what appeals to you most in married life?" "Other men''s wives," was the candid reply." ==========================...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.26 00:00

    • < 오늘의 유머 영어 > 무지개

      Rosie entertained so many male friend in the palor that her dad finally grew suspicous. One night he told his wife, "I''ve got a wonderful invention that will help us check up on Rosie. It''s a television periscope. Just turn it on when Rosie is ...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.25 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 사하라통신 <<<

      > 사하라통신 br /> A European manufacturer had branches in every part of the wor- ld. One day it received a letter from the Sahara Desert office. "The Sahara Desert lads are short of water," said the man who read the letter. "They are always short of w...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.24 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 위생광 <<<

      > 위생광 br /> The beautiful young heroine slipped into her negligee and loo- sened her unmentionables, which fell to th floor, stepped out of them, placed them on a chair, and then tucked herself into bed. But just then came a voice from the breathl...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.23 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 휴가 <<<

      > 휴가 br /> Irate wife, during a Florida vacation, to busband, who is read -ing: "One hundred dollars a day and you''re reading a book!" *irate: 성난 플로리다에서 휴가중인 부부. 책을 읽고있는 남편에게 아내가 짜증 을 냈다. "하루애 1백달러씩이나 들여가면서 그렇게 책이나 보고 있을 거예요!"

      한국경제 | 1993.06.22 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 무육일 <<<

      > 무육일 br /> A missionary, after laboring for years among the cannibals of New Guinea, was finally given an assistant. The young priest re- porting to his superior remarked: "I''ve heard the natives don''t take very readily to religion." "Not so we...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.18 00:00

    • <정가스케치> 정치학박사가 쓴 'DJ유머집' 출간

      올 7월초 귀국을 앞두고 있는 김대중 전민주당대표를 소재로 한 "돌아온 DJ"라는 정치 유머집이 "굿모닝 DJ"에 이어 출간됐다. 김영삼대통령을 소재로 한 "YS는 못말려"가 김대통령의 말실수.해학을 다 루어 인기를 끈 반면 이 유머집은 DJ귀국을 앞두고 관심사인 ''정계복귀설'' ''YS.DJ역할분담론''을 다루고 있다. 예컨대 ''DJ와 YS의 역할분담''에서 YS가 기득권 세력의 반발 및 경제.통일 문제로 개혁이 난항에 부닥쳤을때 ...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.17 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 최상급

      George : "Do you know what yuu have to do at a swanky hetel?" Jim : "Nope" George : "You have to wash your clothes before sending them to the laundry." ============================================================ * swanky : (속어) 멋진, 호화로운 ======...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.17 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 배은망덕

      "You''re an ungrateful pup, I''ve slaved for years to get you through school and now that you''re a doctor you tell me to quit smoking!" ======================================================== * pup : 강아지, (구어) 애송이 * slave : 노예처럼 일하다 * get one ...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.16 00:00