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    전체뉴스 16681-16690 / 16,743건

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    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 만능 용제

      A farmer''s son came home from college and said his class was trying to find a universal solvent. "What''s that?" asked the farmer. "It''s liquid that will dissolve everything," explained the son. "Great idea," nodded the farmer. "But when you fi...

      한국경제 | 1993.01.03 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 구두쇠

      The professor of chemistry, a notorious miser, was demonstrating the properties of acid. "I am going to drop this silver dollar into this glass of acid," he said. "Will it dissolve ?" "No," several students answered promptly. "Explain your answe...

      한국경제 | 1993.01.02 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 서비스 <<<

      > 서비스 br /> The diner was annoyed because the waiter had brought him a knife and fork, but no spoon. "This coffee" he said pointedly "is going to be pretty hot to stir with my fingers." The waiter beat a hasty retreat to the kitchen. He returned ...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.28 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 현지여인들

      A bright young man who represented a big business in Southeast Asia returned to America for a vacation, met a lovely girl and married her. Immediately following the ceremony, the couple headed for Southeast Asia. Arriving at the youug executive''...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.25 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 선 인

      A famous evangelist stopped to visit with a fellow clergyman. The friend told the visitor he would love to have him address his congregation, but that it would be embrrassing since the congregation was in the habit of walking out before a sermon w...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.24 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 앙숙

      Two schoolboys constantly battled in school, but they both became famous, one as an admiral and the other as a bishop. One day, meeting on a railroad platform, the bishop inquired: "Stationmaster, from what platform does the 10:15 train leave?" T...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.21 00:00

    • <해외 유머>...유경험

      Fiance:"If I''m the first man who has kissed you,how come you are so good at it?" Fiancee:"If I''m the first girl you have kissed,how come you know I''m good?" *how come:why *be good at:-에 능하다 *fiance:약혼자(남성),(여성은 fiancee) 약혼자(남자):"처음으로 키스해본다면...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.18 00:00

    • 저질 연하카드 범람-가격도 비싸 과소비 조장 [전북일보]

      연말연시와 성탄절을 앞두고 청소년과 어린이를 대상으로 판매되고 있는 연하장 가운데 일부가 외설문구등 저속한 내용을 담고 있어 청소 년들의 정서를 해치고 있다. 이른바 `유머카드''로 시중에 나돌고 있는 연하장들은 금발의 서양여 인 그림을 바탕으로 `이번 X-마스에는 나의 은밀한 모습을 보여주겠다'' 와 `X-마스를 맞아 당신에게 나의 가장 소중한 것을 선물할게요''등 각 종 야릇한 문구를 노골적으로 표현함으로써 청소년들의 성적 호기심을 ...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.17 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 공갈

      The young mother was shocked to learn that little Sammy had told a falsehood. Taking the boy on her knees, she explained the consequences of lying: "A tall, green man," she said, "with, red fiery eyes and two sharp horns, grabs little boys who t...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.15 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 전속

      A popular belle was beauty had made her one of the most sought-after women in the town finallly accepted the proposal one of her most persistent suitors. "How does it feel to be engaged?" asked one of her friends. "I feel just like a man must fee...

      한국경제 | 1992.12.09 00:00