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    Wonjun Kim. My 18 month old daughter weighs 13 kg.

    ... weighs over 13 kg. She is heavy." The teacher said, "He eats well. He eats whatever is given to him. He is given half an adult bowl of rice, but he always asks for more." In response, Kim Won-jun said, “Aren’t the officials misunderstanding ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.26 15:54 | Yuna

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    Oh Eun-young eventually stopped the video.

    ... which airs today (25th), will be visited by beautiful English instructors Park Se-jin and Lee Hyang-nam, who won first place in the adult English category for three consecutive years, and Lee Hyang-nam. On this day, Sejin Park shocked everyone by revealing that although ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.25 16:01 | Yuna

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    "아빠·삼촌에게 성폭력 당했다"…아르헨 男앵커 고백에 '발칵'

    ... "2차 피해를 보았다"는 성명을 밝혔다. 하지만 현지 아동 구호 단체 등은 알레아르트의 고백 이후 도움을 구하는 요청이 급증했다고 전했다. 아르헨티나 시민단체 '아이들의 권리를 위한 어른들'(Adults for the Rights of Children) 공동 창립자인 실비아 록사나 피세다는 "이런 유형의 학대에 침묵을 지키는 건 가해자에게 이익이 된다고 생각한다"면서 아동 성적 학대 문제를 다루는 건 세계적인 문제임을 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.25 07:36 | 김소연

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    'Gag Concert' viewer rating changes

    ... those aged 15 and older to 'all audiences' and to turn it into a 'gag concert' that everyone from children to adults can watch together. This is the first time this has happened since ‘Gag Concert’ was broadcast in 1999. The reason why ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.24 17:01 | Yuna

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    Park Se-jin, ADHD confession

    ... tomorrow (25th) at 8:10 p.m., will be visited by beautiful English instructor Park Se-jin and Lee Hyang-nam, who won first place in the adult English category for three consecutive years, and Lee Hyang-nam. Park Se-jin introduces himself in three languages, Japanese, French, ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.24 16:33 | seah

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    'Prosecutor ♥' Kim Won-jun's daughter is 18 months old and weighs over 13 kg

    ... out laughing when he hears about his daughter's 'muksun' side, saying, "She eats a whole bowl of rice from an adult's bowl." In the second episode of Channel A's 'Dad is a Flower Middle Age', which airs at 9:30 pm on the 25th...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.24 10:39 | Yae Ji Ryu

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    [다산칼럼] 트럼프의 '러시안 커넥션'

    ... 부동산 투자로 치부한 터라, 정치 지도자의 안목을 키울 기회도 적었다. 미국을 따라야 하는 자유주의 나라들로선 난감할 수밖에 없다. 오죽했으면, 그의 임기 동안 백악관에서 일했던 인사들을 뜻하는 ‘어른들의 축(axis of adults)’이 그나마 미국 정책을 이끌었다는 얘기가 나왔겠는가. 트럼프의 외교 철학을 이해하려 애쓰는 사람들에게 그의 안보보좌관을 지낸 존 볼턴은 “신경 쓰지 말라”고 조언한다고 한다. 트럼프에겐 일관된 원칙들이 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.21 18:07

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    Lee Bo-young confesses to murder of her father in court

    ... “I really wanted to meet you and ask you. He said he wasn't coming. “Why did you ask me to wait?” After becoming an adult, she searched for her biological father’s whereabouts, but the person Ha Yeon-ju encountered was Na Seok-jin, who had stolen ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.21 17:59 | Yuna

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    서울 한복판 '성인페스티벌'…취소된 줄 알았는데 '반전'

    일본 성인 비디오(Adult Video·AV, 성인물) 출연 배우들이 등장하는 '성인 페스티벌'(2024 KXF The Fashion)이 6월 중에 개최된다. 2024 KXF The Fashion' 성인 페스티벌(이하 KXF) 주최사 '플레이조커' 측 관계자는 20일 한경닷컴에 "6월에 서울에서 행사를 다시 진행할 예정"이라며 "민간 시설을 대여하는 방향으로 할 것"이라고 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.20 09:21 | 김소연

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    Lee Jae-wook's current status after breaking up with Karina

    ... who looks good in suits, Lee Jae-wook said, “He is mature for his age. People around me often tell me that I’m an adult. “I think it’s because I usually try to be very careful with what I say,” he answered. When asked if there was a ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 13:42 | seah