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전체뉴스 11-20 / 2,200건

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    Han Hyo-joo, extraordinary effort, “even changed the tone of her voice”

    ... than practice, but I think I did this scene by memorizing it all. They said I didn't have to memorize it because I could just read the prompt, but I wanted to do it perfectly, so I memorized everything and went to the scene." The story behind it was revealed. ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 14:54 | seah

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    "AI 활용하면 의료진 업무량 70% 줄어든다"

    ... 30.5% 향상시켰다. 또한 루닛 인사이트 MMG 활용 시 전체 간격암의 약 52%, 기존 검진에서 놓쳤던 암의 약 50%를 바로 식별해냈다. 유방촬영술 검사에서 영상의학과 전문의 두 명이 참여하는 이중 판독(Double Reading) 상황에서는 의사 한명 대신 AI를 두 번째 판독자로 활용할 경우 전체 유방암 환자의 약 23%를 평균 약 30개월 더 빠르게 진단했다. 이번 연구는 AI 기술이 유방암 검진 과정의 효율성을 크게 개선하고, 조기 진단율을 높임으로써 ...

    한국경제TV | 2024.04.08 10:53

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    Kang Won-rae's wife, Kim Song, was angry at netizens who crossed the line.

    ... brains of the people who use it? People who don’t know one or two!” he added. Kim Song-eun said, ‘I got angry after reading the comments on the blog,’ ‘playing the drum and playing the janggu,’ ‘I was in a frenzy,’ ‘I was ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 08:53 | Bella

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    Jeong Ryeo-won “If there is a way to make Wi Ha-jun not like me, please let me know”

    ... academy that brought a dramatic turnaround in his life. And after reading unfamiliar emotions from teacher Seo Hye-jin, who vehemently opposed ... passed, this is why the suppressed emotions in his gaze can be read as he looks at Seo Hye-jin from a much higher eye level. Here's ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.05 10:47 | MinKyung

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    Jang Do-yeon "When I see rape flowers, I'll think of Fu Bao" Fu Bao's last commute to work revealed

    ... messenger. Jang Do-yeon was embarrassed and said, “I want to read it to you, but it’s in Chinese,” and handed over the ... phone with the messenger visible to Jeon Hyun-moo. Then he started reading Chinese. Sandara Park smiled and praised Jeon Hyun-moo, saying, ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.03 17:14 | leesojung

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    Kim Yong-myeong, Kim Won-hoon, and Jo Jin-se make cameo appearances in 'The Crown Prince Has Disappeared'

    ... Crown Prince Lee Geon (Suho) and Prince Doseong (Kim Min-gyu), and he exudes the aspect of a 'professional reader' who can read and write about everything in the world. Lastly, Jo Jin-se appears with flashy clothes, a serious expression, and unapproachable eyes, ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.03 15:06 | seah

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    Jung Il-woo successfully returns to theater after 5 years

    ... and breathing that smoothly expressed the vast amount of dialogue and complex storytelling narrative, and confessed that he had read the script more than 1,000 times, unfolding it with heavy acting passion on stage. In addition, he was praised for bringing the ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.02 17:13 | Brady

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    'Pyramid Game' is a stepping stone in an actor's life… Oh Se-eun “I want to have a different face for each character”

    ... actors whose webtoon characters could not be seen during the script reading, but each of them worked hard to prepare and on the day of filming, ... “I started feeling affection for Song Jae-hyung when I read the script. It was so fun that I felt overwhelmed the moment I ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.02 14:05 | leesojung

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    에너시스(ENS) 수시 보고

    ... 유통업체, 독립 대리인 및 내부 영업 인력 네트워크를 통해 제품을 판매합니다. 이 회사는 이전에 Yuasa, Inc.로 알려졌으며 2001년 1월에 EnerSys로 이름을 변경했습니다. EnerSys는 2000년에 설립되었으며 펜실베니아주 Reading에 본사를 두고 있습니다. * 이 기사는 한국경제신문과 굿모닝AI리포트가 공동 개발한 인공지능 알고리즘으로 미국 상장사들의 공시를 실시간 분석해 작성한 것입니다. 일부 데이터 수집 과정에서 오류와 지연 등이 있을 수 있으며, 한국경제신문과 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.02 05:23 | 굿모닝 로보뉴스

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    "교사 그만 뒀어요"…'수입 0원' 인플루언서 된 여성의 근황 [이일내일]

    ... 베르베르의 삶을 병행하던 그는 2015년부터 몸담았던 학교를 나왔다. 그의 또 다른 자아의 표출이자 일상의 기록이었던 인스타그램 계정이 새로운 '업'이 된 것. 아침(Breakfast)과 운동(Exercise), 독서(Reading) 그가 건강한 삶을 살아가기 위해 필수라 생각하는 3대 요소 영단어 첫 글자를 딴 '베르'(Ber)로 지은 그의 계정에는 그를 단숨에 스타로 만들어준 스무디 레시피 외에 건강한 삶을 살아가기 위한 일상 속 실천 정보들로 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.03.29 20:00 | 김소연