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전체뉴스 81-90 / 11,399건

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    ㈜에코앤리치, 중기부 '글로벌 창업사관학교' 선정

    ... 고려대학교 기술지주회사로부터 투자를 유치한 바 있고 2023 민간투자 주도형 기술 창업지원프로그램 팁스(TIPS)에도 선정되어 진행 중에 있으며, 이번 글창사 5기 입교를 통해 AI 기반 치과보철물 제조 시스템, ’리얼티스(REAL TEETH)’로 글로벌 200조 치과 시장으로의 본격적인 진출을 위한 각오를 다지고 있다. 특히, ㈜에코앤리치 전진훈 대표이사는 “자사는 글로벌 치의학 분야의 청년 박사들로 구성되어 있고, 글로벌 1, 2위 치과...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.02 12:17 | 이진호

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    MC Mong fails to appear at trial on suspicion of 'coin solicitation'

    ... scheduled for the 2nd. Accordingly, MC Mong appears at the Seoul Eastern District Court and receives witness interrogation through real-time video broadcast. The trial will be held at the Seoul Southern District Court. According to the Criminal Procedure Act, the ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.02 10:08 | juno

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    Netflix's entertainment show 'Super Rich Stranger' will be released on May 7.

    ... can get a glimpse of the life enjoyed in Korea, but it is not a program that only focuses on the rich life. It honestly captures the real lives of the super-rich who chose Korea and their passion for their dreams. Also, through their love for Korea, K-world in the world. ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.02 08:52 | Bella

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    Photos from Lee Soo-min and Won Hyeok's wedding were revealed

    ... show at the long-awaited wedding. The splendid wedding atmosphere of Lee Soo-min and Won-hyuk, who are getting married, and the real reaction of father Yong-sik Lee, who finally gives his daughter in marriage, can be seen in 'Joseon's Lover'. It is ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.02 08:51 | Bella

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    Shin Hyun-jun, he seems like a pervert

    ... Brighton, a representative resort in England. Peter prepares a special accommodation, not a hotel, to show another side of England's 'real charm'. Here, Peter and his travel mates taste British food for the first time. Travel mates' eyes sparkle with excitement ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.01 17:56 | Bella

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    Jo Bo-ah complained of symptoms of altitude sickness

    ... boiling seaweed soup and boiling dried vegetables, causing laughter. Attention is focused on how the members' journey to survive in the real wilderness without electricity, water, or heating will go, and the next story of the members who are attempting wilderness backpacking ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.01 17:55 | Bella

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    Eunice Sold 50,000 copies within 5 days of debut

    ... the initial release rankings of all-time K-pop girl group debut albums. In addition, the album is ranked 2nd on Hanteo Chart's real-time album chart. The music video is also strong. The music video for the title song ‘SUPERWOMAN’ recorded 2.5 million ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.01 16:41 | olivia

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    아일릿, K팝 걸그룹 데뷔 음반 첫 주 판매량 '신기록'

    하이브, 아일릿·뉴진스·르세라핌 역대 1∼3위 배출 신인 걸그룹 아일릿의 데뷔 음반 '슈퍼 리얼 미'(SUPER REAL ME)가 역대 K팝 걸그룹 가운데 데뷔 음반 발매 첫 주 판매량 신기록을 달성했다. 1일 음반 판매량 집계 사이트 한터차트에 따르면 지난달 25일 발매된 이 앨범은 발매 첫 주 38만56장이 팔려 걸그룹 데뷔 음반 중 1위에 올랐다. 가요계에서 발매 첫 주 판매량은 가수의 인기와 팬덤의 규모를 측정하는 주요한 지표 가운데 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.01 14:37 | YONHAP

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    tvN's 'Truth or Setting' first broadcast in April

    ... into famous detectives in 'Elegant Life'. Jeon Hyun-moo, a living CCTV in the entertainment world who knows whether it's real or a set-up just by looking at the scene he opens his eyes in the morning with over a dozen years of observation experience; Kyuhyun, ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.01 11:30 | seah

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    Moosaeng Lee, he chews up genres.

    ... that is not limited to genres or characters. Lee Moo-saeng's superb acting is attracting attention as to which side is the real face of Cha Seong-jae, a mysterious character who stands on the border between good and evil. Meanwhile, 'Hyde' starring ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.01 11:30 | seah