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전체뉴스 141-150 / 8,571건

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    Joo Woo-jae said he "learned about life" from the butt exposure broadcasting accident.

    Joo Woo-jae recalled a past broadcasting accident in which his buttocks were exposed. Heo Kyung-hwan and Hong Ji-yoon appeared as intern coordinators on MBC's entertainment show 'Save Holmes', which aired on the 14th. Heo Kyung-hwan rec...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.15 10:29 | Bella

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    티맥스AI, 육군 규정교육 시스템 '하이퍼 챗봇' 최종판 공개

    ... 대화 말뭉치를 확보해 질의응답 기능도 갖췄다. 버튼형 질의응답으로 군 복무자 누구나 육군 규정 정보를 쉽고 빠르게 검색할 수 있다. 전시장에는 참석자들이 기술을 시연해 볼 수 있는 부스가 설치됐다. 티맥스AI는 민·군 기술협력 사업 수행 내역을 바탕으로, 각 분야에 적용할 수 있는 대화형 AI 챗봇시스템 개발도 마쳤다. 'A-Talk'(에이-톡)이라는 이름으로 육군 이외 금융·법률·공공기관 등 다양한 분야에서 활용될 예정이다. /연합뉴스

    한국경제 | 2024.03.15 10:17 | YONHAP

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    우리은행, 라이즈(RIIZE)와 손잡고 확 젊어진다!

    ... 대세 아이돌로 급부상 중인 '라이즈(RIIZE)'를 신규 모델로 추가 발탁했다. '라이즈'는 작년 9월 데뷔한 SM엔터테인먼트 소속 신인그룹이다. △겟 어 기타(Get A Guitar) △메모리즈(Memories) △토크 색시(Talk Saxy) △러브 원원나인(Love 119) 등 발표곡마다 히트하며, 2024년 3월 신인 아이돌 브랜드평판에서 1위를 차지했다. 최근에는 미국 그래미닷컴, 애플뮤직, 샤잠 등이 각각 선정한 '2024년 주목해야 할 아티스트'로도 ...

    한국경제 | 2024.03.15 09:55 | WISEPRESS

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    [신간] 아카데미 수상 감독의 내밀한 기억…'위험을 향해 달리다'

    '브라이언 트레이시의 행운의 법칙' ▲ 위험을 향해 달리다 = 세라 폴리 지음. 이재경 옮김. 감독과 각본을 맡은 '위민 토킹'(Women Talking)으로 지난해 아카데미 시상식에서 각색상을 받은 세라 폴리의 첫 에세이다. 저자는 4살에 스크린에 데뷔해 캐나다 대표 아역배우로 활동했고 10대 시절부터 단편영화를 만들었다. 27살에 직접 각색한 '어웨이 프롬 허'(Away From Her, 2006)로 장편영화 감독으로 데뷔했고 '우리...

    한국경제 | 2024.03.15 09:41 | YONHAP

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    Han Ji-min expressed her convictions

    ... is for close people whose relationships do not end. When I'm stressed, I seem to be the type to stay alone. Compared to before, I talk to the people around me. It's not because I want to solve something. Of course, no one can give me advice. “This is ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.15 08:45 | MinKyung

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    Kim Soo-hyun "After 4 semesters in college, I was accepted into the Department of Theater and Film → received a bachelor's warning" ('You Quiz')

    ... 'Kim Soo-man.' My classmates still call me Su-man," making everyone around him laugh. Kim Soo-hyun continued to talk about the past. When he was in elementary school, he had no hope for the future, so he recalled, "I copied the presidents,...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.14 21:01 | leesojung

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    Han Ji-min speaks of her convictions, "I have to do as much as I deserve to be treated as a leading role."

    ... The biggest one was breakup." Han Ji-min recalled the time when she lost her grandmother in 2020 and said, "Now I can talk about it without crying. I just endured it and endured it. The people who gave me strength during that time were actress Han Hyo-joo ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.14 20:38 | Yuna

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    Kian84, a love call to Yoo Jae-seok

    ...squo;t you get sick?” Afterwards, Kian84 said, “I don’t know if it will go on air, but can’t we even talk about this?” and Yoo Jae-seok stopped him by saying, “Don’t talk about internal things,” making people ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.14 20:35 | Yuna

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    Jang Hyuk, what's going on with his wild goose dad? "Meal kit is the way to go"

    ... if there were any difficulties in negotiating appearance fees, Jang Hyuk said, “I am also doing that myself. “We talk comfortably, but when we don’t like the money, our tone becomes slurred,” he said, drawing laughter. When Jang Do-yeon asked, ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.14 20:35 | Yuna

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    Ha Do-kwon was misunderstood as a murderer in Japan

    ... reunited in a drama last year, and he told me that he was happy to see Song Seung-heon doing well and told him to make sure to talk about me when he goes on a variety show.” He also talked about Namgoong Min, who he worked with in ‘Stove League’. ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.03.14 20:34 | Yuna