전체뉴스 121-130 / 344건
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미 Fed "금리인상 전 인내심 발휘"…'상당기간' 대체
... 유지하기로 했다. Fed는 16일부터 이틀간 연방공개시장위원회(FOMC) 정례회의를 열어 이같이 결정했다. Fed는 회의 직후 발표한 성명에서 "통화정책 정상화에 착수하는 데 인내심을 발휘할 수 있을 것(it can be patient in beginning to normalize the stance of monetary policy)으로 판단한다"고 밝혔다. 이어 "이 가이던스는 자산 매입 프로그램을 종료하고 나서도 상당 기간(for a considerable ...
한국경제 | 2014.12.18 06:16
[비즈니스 유머] 수술실 대화 - Surgeons Say
... there go the lights again. -Everyone stand back! I lost my contact lens! -Anyone see where I left that scalpel? -Nurse, did this patient sign the organs donation card? -Fire! Fire! Everyone get out! 수술 중에 듣고 싶지 않은 소리: -그것 놔둬. 부검 때 필요할 거니까. -잠깐, 이게 비장이라면 그건 뭐란 ...
한국경제 | 2014.11.28 20:58
"We will look for further investment opportunities in Korea"
“The key words of global healthcare industry are currently ‘digital’, ‘convergence’, and ‘patient communications’. Korea, which already has great strengths in IT services, is one of the countries with a potential ...
한국경제 | 2014.11.20 11:33 | 이준혁
Visiting GE Healthcare's R&D center in Milwaukee
... diseases such as cancer, cardiac disorders, and cerebrovascular diseases. However, unlike hospitals there are no doctors or patients. This is GE Healthcare’s global R&D center, where Computed Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) were first ...
한국경제 | 2014.11.20 11:32 | 이준혁
[비즈니스 유머] 의사들의 망발 - Doctor Bloopers
Actual bloopers doctors have written on patient charts: -Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year. -She has had no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night. -The patient refused an ...
한국경제 | 2014.11.09 21:30
[비즈니스 유머] 미모의 90대 - Beautiful Nonagenarian
In the plastic surgery office a 92-year-old patient was preparing to have some reconstructive surgery on nose. She was extremely sharp and knowledgeable, asking many good questions about the procedure. Just as the doctor was getting ready for the surgery, ...
한국경제 | 2014.10.20 20:49
[비즈니스 유머] 화려한 꽃다발 - Beautiful Bouquet
The beautiful bouquet of roses a grateful patient sent to the hospital drew a lot of attention, and passers-by continually asked the nurses who they were from. One harried nurse, apparently tired of explaining, told an inquirer, “They are from my ...
한국경제 | 2014.09.15 20:58
[비즈니스 유머] 의사와 변호사 - Surgeon vs Lawyer
A patient on the operating table was just about to be operated. He was screaming hysterically, “Tell me, Dr. Bullman isn’t my surgeon! He can’t be! No, no, no!” The operating room team had him almost under control when Dr. Bullman ...
한국경제 | 2014.08.29 21:23
'에볼라' 최초 감염자, 작년 말 기니 두살배기 남아로 추정
... 바이러스' 사태의 최초 발원지가 기니의 두살배기 남자아이인 것으로 추정됐다. 뉴욕타임스는 9일(현지시간) 에볼라 사태의 시작을 추적한 결과 지난해 12월6일 기니 남동부의 국경마을 구에케도우에서 숨진 두살 남아가 최초 감염자(Patient Zero)인 것으로 보인다고 '뉴 잉글랜드 저널 오브 메디신'의 보고서를 인용해 보도했다. 이에 따르면 남자아이가 정체불명의 병에 걸려 숨진 뒤 일주일이 지나 남자아이의 엄마와 세살짜리 누나, 이어 할머니까지 차례로 ...
한국경제 | 2014.08.10 15:59
[비즈니스 유머] 병원 금지규정 - Hospital Restrictions
Years ago when a housewife went in the hospital for surgery, a rule prohibited children under 12 from visiting patients. Her 11-year-old son seemed to understand, but her six-year-old daughter took the restriction very hard. They discovered why she was ...
한국경제 | 2014.07.29 20:48