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    전체뉴스 1731-1740 / 1,751건

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    • <오늘의 영어유머> 좌충우돌

      There''re ways to break up a dinner conversation.... 1, Ask the lady on your right if she is married. If she says yes, ask her if she has any children. If she says no, ask her how she does it. 2, Ask the lady on your left if she is married. If she ...

      한국경제 | 1994.04.27 00:00

    • [해외유머] 개방시대

      ... moments, and then replied, "If I had worn a bathing suit like that when I was your age, you''d be four years older than you are right now. ================================================================ skimpy bikini : 노출이 심한 비키니수영복 model : (옷을)입어보이다 stare : (눈을 크게 ...

      한국경제 | 1994.04.12 00:00

    • [해외유머] 인생상담

      Question put to the advice-to-the-lovelorn editor: "Is it all right to masterbate?" Reply was : "It''s all right if you''re really in love with yourself." ===================================================== * lovelorn : 애인에개 버림을 받은, 사랑에 우는 * be ...

      한국경제 | 1994.03.18 00:00

    • [해외유머] 구세

      Trying to win over the liberals in his congregation, the right- wing preacher said at the end of his sermon, "And if an airplane went down carrying the leaders of both parties, whom do you think the Lord will have saved?" A small voice said from somewhere ...

      한국경제 | 1994.02.21 00:00

    • [해외유머] 동심

      ... brother is better than your brother!" "No, he''s not!" "My mother is better than your mother!" A pause. "Well, I guess you''re right. My father says the same thing." *traditional argument: 관례적 논쟁 어린것들 두놈사이에서 어디서나 있게 마련인 예의 그 시비가 붙었다. "우리아빠랑 너의아빠랑하면 우리아빠가 최고야" ...

      한국경제 | 1994.01.24 00:00

    • >> 전기대입학시험문제 (영어) << -- 고려대학교

      ... must have wondered why I didn''t come. How about meeting again next Saturday at the basement restaurant? I promise to be at the right place this time. Hoping to see you soon. Yours, Mary 1) A Letter of Invitation 2) A Letter of Apology 3) A Letter of Complaints ...

      한국경제 | 1994.01.06 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 둔한

      ... answer it. "Is this number 333-3333?" "No, it is not." "Oh, I''m sorry to have bothered you at such an hour." "It''s all right," said the man. "I had to get up to answer the phone anyway." ================================================================== ...

      한국경제 | 1993.11.20 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 설교

      ... have also killed millions..." "Excuse me, sir," roared a man from the back, "but what is it that kills the people who live right?" =================================================================== * harangue : 열변을 토하다 * parishioner : 교구민 * agony : 고통 * consort ...

      한국경제 | 1993.11.17 00:00

    • <오늘의 영어유머> 투피스

      ... "Don''t you know, young lady," said the irate policeman, "that two- piece bathing suits are not allowed on this beach?" "All right, offi- cer," replied the well-built miss, "which piece would you like me to remove?" *irate: 화난 *two-piece bathing suit: 투피스 수영복, ...

      한국경제 | 1993.11.16 00:00

    • '엑스포 '93 국제영화제' 개최 .. 18개국 30개작품

      "엑스포 ''93 국제영화제"가 프랑스, 러시아, 카나다, 모로코, 일본등 18개국에서 30편의 작품이 출품된 가운데 9월5일부터 19일까지 박람회장 에서 개최된다. 대전엑스포조직위원회가 주최하고 영화진흥공사가 주관하는 "엑스포 ''93 국제영화제"에는 아주 - 일본, 중국, 스리랑카, 호주, 한국등 5개국, 서구- 독일, 벨기에, 스웨덴, 프랑스, 핀란드, 스위스, 오스트리아등 7개국, 동구 - 러시아, 불가리아, 헝가리등 3개국,...

      한국경제 | 1993.05.25 00:00