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    전체뉴스 281-290 / 344건

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    • [해외유머] '수금'

      A dentist spotted a deadbeat patient while dining at his country club. He called the patient aside and reminded him that he owed $450 for work done two years earlier. To the dentist''s astonishment, the patient wrote a check for the full amount. The ...

      한국경제 | 2001.02.13 00:00

    • 메디아나, '환자감시장치' 일본 수출

      ... 9001인증을 받았다. (02)542-3375 서욱진 기자 venture@hankyung.com --------------------------------------------------------------- *용어설명:환자감시장치(Patient Monitor)=생체신호계측기기의 하나로 인체에서 발생하는 전기 신호를 그래픽화해서 LCD모니터 등에 보여주는 장치. 심전도 혈압 혈중산소포화농도 등을 측정해 환자의 상태를 체크할 수 있게 해 준다.

      한국경제 | 2001.01.31 00:00

    • [해외유머] '성전환'

      ... was instead given a sex change operation. The doctors gathered at his bed afterwards to tell him the bad news. "Oh no!" the patient wailed. "I''ll never be able to experience an erection again!" "Of course you''ll still be able to experience erections," replied ...

      한국경제 | 2001.01.16 00:00

    • [해외유머] '의학발전'

      A patient complained to the doctor that he was unable to sleep at night. The doctor told him not to eat anything before going to bed. "But," said the patient irritably, "two months ago you told me to eat something before going to bed." "Well, this just ...

      한국경제 | 2001.01.04 00:00

    • [해외유머] '처방전'

      The patient went to his doctor for a checkup, and the doctor wrote out a prescription for him in his usual illegible writing. The patient put it in his pocket, but he forgot to have it filled. Every morning for several months, he used it as a railroad ...

      한국경제 | 2000.09.01 00:00

    • [해외유머] '운동을 못 하는 이유'

      Here are some excuses doctors heard from patients explaining why they can''t exercise. "An earthquake drained my pool." "My dog ate my running shoes." "My wife would be angry if I lost weight." "If I exercise, I might not have enough energy left over ...

      한국경제 | 2000.08.31 00:00

    • [해외유머] '주유소의 의사'

      ... station due to open in an hour with only one car waiting. Joyfully, he got into line, only to be beeped on his paging service by a patient. He called the patient from a phone booth at the station and determined hes ailment was not serious. Since the patient lived ...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.26 00:00

    • [해외유머] '첫 인상(?)'

      The dentist needed to take an impression of the new patient''s mouth in order to have dentures made. The material he had prepared was ready, and he placed the impression tray in mouth. When he removed the tray, he noticed a large air bubble in a critical ...

      한국경제 | 2000.04.25 00:00

    • [해외유머] '견습 간호사'

      The student nurse''s first patient was a little boy who had spent considerable time in the hospital to be familiar with everything. The nurse was to count his heartbeat. After warming the metal on her hand, she placed the stethoscope on his chest. She ...

      한국경제 | 2000.04.22 00:00

    • [해외유머] '건강관리'

      Patient : Doctor, I feel very depressed. Doctor : You should cut down on drinks. Patient : I don''t touch a drop. Doctor : You should cut down on smoking. Patient : I don''t smoke. Doctor : You should stop taking drugs. Patient : I don''t do drugs. ...

      한국경제 | 2000.03.31 00:00