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    전체뉴스 341-344 / 344건

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    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 해열

      The hospital patient gazed fondly at his winsome, red-headed nurse and told the doctor, "wonderful nurse you''ve got here. One touch of her hands cooled my fever miraculously." "We know" the doctor answered him, "We could hear her slap clear to the ...

      한국경제 | 1993.09.28 00:00

    • <해외유머> >>> 보복 <<<

      > 보복 br /> "I''ve fallen in love with you," said the patient to the nurse. "I don''t want to leave this place. I don''t want to get well!" "Don''t worry," answered the nurse, "you won''t. The doctor who saw you kissing me yesterday is my husband." ...

      한국경제 | 1993.05.05 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 교통표지

      An elderly lady was stopped by a police officer who asked her why she was driving 66 miles per hour in a 35-mile speed zone. The lady replied: "I saw a sign that said 66." "Madam," the officer explained patiently, "that is the route number." "Oh...

      한국경제 | 1993.01.05 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 명의

      ... idea there is someone on top of the bed. It''s driving me out of my mind. The psychiatrist thought he could help the man if the patient would agree to two visits a week at $30 per visit, for a two-year period. "I''ll talk it over with my wife and let you know" the ...

      한국경제 | 1992.11.24 00:00