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    [한국경제] 뉴스 31-34 / 34건

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    • [해외유머] '행복한 노인'

      ... and asked the old man why he was crying. "Well," said the old fellow, "I just got married recently to a twenty- five-year-old woman. Every day she makes me wonderful meals, and after each meal we make love." The policeman looked at the old man and said, "You ...

      한국경제 | 1999.10.22 00:00

    • [해외유머] '남녀의 대화'

      ... led to wild imagination by conversations between a man and a woman. Here is a good example. He : "Is it in?" She : "Yes." He : ... She : "No." He : "Does it feel good?" She : "Yes, it feels wonderful." So, the girl bought the new pair of shoes. --------------...

      한국경제 | 1998.05.08 00:00

    • [해외유머] '변태섹스'

      ... point, he was so taken with his composition that he turned to an elderly couple sitting next to him and said," Isn''t that music wonderful?" The woman looked at him and said, "Who cares about the music? We''re here to see our dog." -------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 1997.10.21 00:00

    • < 오늘의 영어유머 > 변호사와 의사

      ... many women spoil his evening by asking him for adivce. He asked his friend, a doctor, how he get rid of these people. "I have a wonderful remedy," the friend grinned. "When a woman begins telling me her ailments, I stop her with one word, `undress!''" ===========...

      한국경제 | 1993.06.02 00:00