전체뉴스 491-500 / 678건
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[Reading Skills] 15. 단락의 전개방식
... which Freud supports and develops his thesis. Freud is at his best when discussing those seemingly accidental mistakes of speech and writing where one word is substituted for another and, especially, where the substitute word means the opposite of the word intended. A physician ...
한국경제 | 2005.09.20 09:27 | 현승윤
[비즈니스 유머] 잠재성과 현실
A kid comes home from school with a writing assignment. He asks his father for help. "Dad, can you tell me the difference between potential and reality?" His father thinks for a moment, and then says, "I'll demonstrate. Go ask your mom if she would ...
한국경제 | 2005.09.20 00:00 | 이성구2
[못말리는 주식회사] 오타
-Who made this typing mistake on this important contract? I swear. I'll chase him to hell. -Well,all documents are written on a word processor and there are so many people working here.Find him if you could. (stride, stride, stride.) Go straight. ...
한국경제 | 2005.08.24 00:00 | pinky
[비즈니스 유머] 남 VS 여
A university English professor wrote the words "woman without her man is a savage" on the blackboard, and directed his students to punctuate it correctly. He found that the men looked at it one way, and the girls another. The males wrote : "Woman, ...
한국경제 | 2005.08.23 00:00 | 이성구2
[Reading Skills] 10. 인터넷을 통한 영어학습법(6)
... building. But the Pistons shot .391 the rest of the way, and it wasn't nearly enough to lift them past the Spurs. Instead of writing history by becoming the first team to win Games 6 and 7 on the road, the Pistons have become history themselves. They're the first ...
한국경제 | 2005.08.16 09:42 | 현승윤
[한경에세이] 에세이를 마치며… 구안옹 <푸르덴셜자산운용 대표>
... intellectually. This may sound easy but to be able to provide good solutions, we must be ready. Good luck and it has been a great pleasure for me to have been able to write to you in this column the past two months. Now its time for me to say goodbye!
한국경제 | 2005.06.29 00:00 | 최규술
[Reading Skills] 2.Story-telling Passage
논리적으로 잘 쓰인 글은 훑어읽기(Skimming)기법을 통해 속독이 가능하지만 Story-telling으로 쓰인 글은 전체를 죽죽 읽어 나가야 한다. 전체를 읽어야 하는 글을 어떻게 빠르게 읽어 나갈 수 있는지에 관해 연습해 보자. 이번에는 수학과 과학사에 길이 빛나는 석학 뉴턴의 간략한 생애와 그의 가장 중요한 이론 중 하나인 '미적분학 (Calculus)'이론을 만들어가는 과정을 다룬 글을 제시문으로 선정했다. 이 글은 첫 문장만 읽...
한국경제 | 2005.06.13 09:23 | 현승윤
[비즈니스 유머] 우리 아버지
Following is a part of composition written by a school boy. "My father says he can climb the highest mountain or swim the biggest ocean. He can fly fastest planes and fight the strongest tiger. He can do anything in the whole world. But most of t...
한국경제 | 2005.06.12 00:00 | 이성구2
인문학과 이공계의 위기라고?
요즘 같은 심경으로 글을 쓰면 아무래도 불편한 일이 생기거나 오래 살지 못할 것 같다. 몇 가지 주제를 정해서 타이핑을 하다가 중단하고, 이런 저런 생각을 정리했다가 지워버리고, 다 써놓은 글을 찢어 버리고 접어둔 지 한 달이 지났다. 칼을 좋아하는 사람은 칼에 꽂히고, 총을 좋아하는 사람은 총에 맞는다고 했던가? 말 잘하는 사람은 말로 피해를 당할 것이며 글 잘 쓰는 사람은 글로써 보복을 당하리라고 누군가 겁을 준다. 잘 쓰지도 못하는 글을 ...
The pen | 2005.05.06 07:01
[브리핑] 유니더스(044480) 관련...
... who questioned the Church's stance on certain topics. But some noted that Ratzinger's approach could change now he is Pope. "Writing as a cardinal as different from acting as Pope," said Marialuisa Lavitrano, an expert on transplants from animals into humans who ...
한국경제 | 2005.04.26 11:33