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      여러 단어 입력시 쉼표(,)로 구분해주세요.

    전체뉴스 61-70 / 332건

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      [Focus] 100년 역사 인터폴…지구촌에 숨을 곳은 없다

      1914년 모나코 왕궁에서 왕실 귀중품 도난 사건이 발생했다. 모나코 왕자 알베르 1세의 연인과 이 연인의 또 다른 남자가 왕궁 비밀통로를 통해 왕실 귀중품을 모조리 훔친 것이다. 이들은 이탈리아로 곧바로 도주했다. 하지만 모나코 경찰은 국외에서 절도범을 수사할 수 있는 법적 근거가 없었다. 이에 알베르 1세 왕자는 14개국 법학자와 경찰관을 초청해 '국제형사 경찰회의'를 열어 수사협조를 요청했다. 이 사건이 국제경찰기구 '인터폴'의 시초다. ...

      한국경제 | 2014.04.25 17:30

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      [비즈니스 유머] 내부고발 - Whistleblowing

      An old Texas rancher hates wearing his seat belt. One day, he's driving on the highway with his wife. As soon as he sees a state trooper behind him he puts his seat belt on. The trooper pulls them over and says to the rancher, “I noticed you weren't ...

      한국경제 | 2014.04.18 20:48

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      [책마을] 인간에게 이기심을 허락하라…단, 비용은 반드시 내게하라

      “뭔가 잘못됐어. 공기는 깨끗하고 물은 맑고 다들 운동도 많이 하잖아. 먹는 건 죄다 유기농에 방목한 고기이고. 그런데 서른 살 넘게 사는 사람이 없어.” 원시인들이 짧은 수명에 대해 의아해한다. 미국 주간지 뉴요커에 실린 만평 한 토막이다. 장수 리스크를 걱정하는 현대인은 심각한 인지부조화를 느낄 만하다. 공기와 물은 오염되고 다들 운동 부족에 비만이고, 먹는 것은 죄다 농약 투성이에 억지로 살찌운 고기다. 그런데 원시인보다 3~4배 더 살...

      한국경제 | 2014.04.03 21:49

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      [비즈니스 유머] 팽창하는 음경 - Growing Manhood

      When Ronnie first noticed that his penis was growing larger, he was delighted, as was his wife. But after several weeks his penis had continued to grow, he became concerned. So he and his wife went to see a prominent urologist. After an initial exami...

      한국경제 | 2014.02.17 20:54

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      [비즈니스 유머] 딴 여자 - Mistress

      ... replies the husband, “sorry I didn't tell you I have a mistress.” The wife was infuriated, “I want a divorce.” Just then the wife notices a mutual friend entering the restaurant with a gorgeous woman. “Who is that woman with George?” she asks. “That's his mistress,” ...

      한국경제 | 2014.02.09 20:55

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      [비즈니스 유머] 순진한 샘 - Simple-Minded Handsome Sam

      Sam, a simple-minded good-looking fellow, walks into his regular bar. One of the regulars, noticing his new clothes and brand new Harley Davidson, asked him where he got it. Sam, with a big, proud smile on his face explained: “Well, I was walking thr...

      한국경제 | 2014.01.06 20:49

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      [비즈니스 유머] 재치 있는 비서 - Witty Secretary

      The businessman got himself a new secretary. She was young and pretty. One day, while getting instructions, she noticed his fly was open. When leaving the room she said, “Oh, Mr. Jones, did you know your barrack door is open?” He did not understand h...

      한국경제 | 2014.01.01 21:08

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      [비즈니스 유머] 저녁 손님 - Dinner Guest

      Little Mary was mummy's helper. She helped set the table when company was due for dinner. Soon, everything was on, Mr. Brooks the guest came in, and everyone sat down. Then mother noticed something was missing... “Mary, dear,” she said, “You didn't p...

      한국경제 | 2013.12.23 21:18

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      [비즈니스 유머] 건의함 - Suggestion Box

      Hank and George noticed in the office that someone had put up a suggestion box. The suggestion box had an encouraging sign above it that said, “Let's Ask It!” Both decided that this was a great idea and each took a card to ask for some improvements. ...

      한국경제 | 2013.12.20 21:16

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      [비즈니스 유머] 섹스관련 통계 Sexual Statistics

      ... businessman boards a flight and is lucky enough to be seated next to an absolutely gorgeous woman. They exchange brief hellos and he notices she is reading a book about sexual statistics. He asks her about it and she replies, “This is a very interesting book about sexual ...

      한국경제 | 2013.12.19 21:19