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    [한국경제] 뉴스 761-770 / 906건

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    • [비즈니스 유머] 결혼축하카드

      ... january 27,my dad gives my mom an "anniversary"card on 27th of every month as a way of showing her how much he loves her and appreciates their ... to Mom last weekend and she told me that Dad had given her the monthly card the previous day.And she said,"I'm so glad he does this every ...

      한국경제 | 2003.01.13 00:00

    • [안전한 일터 만들자] LG건설 .. 아파트공사 첫 무재해 500만시간

      ... 경우 4일 이상의 요양을 요하는 부상을 당하거나 질병에 걸리지 않았을 때를 의미함)"을 달성하기도 했다. 이는 아파트 공사현장으로는 처음으로 달성한 기록이라고 LG건설 관계자는 설명했다. LG건설은 지난 5월 "하절기 3-Month 무재해 달성운동"을 추진한 결과 재해율을 크게 낮추는 성과를 얻었다. 회사는 현재 안전사고를 줄이기 위해 "무재해 138일 달성작전"이라는 슬로건을 걸고 무재해 운동을 시행중에 있다. 이밖에 "안전보건 11대 기본수칙"준수를 현장에 ...

      한국경제 | 2002.10.04 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 캘헌의 여인들

      ... first husband was the actor, Louis Calhern. After their brief romance they divorced and Calhern married Miss Julia Hoyt. A month or so later Ilka found in her trunk a box of beautiful calling cards printed, "Mrs. Louis Calhern." "It seemed a pity to waste ...

      한국경제 | 2002.09.09 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 근로기준

      Johnsons went away for their summer vacation andgave their maid, Jane, a month's wages before leaving. On their return four weeks later, Jane demanded higher wages, or she would leave. Mrs Johnson was horrified. "Gracious," she exclaimed, "you've only ...

      한국경제 | 2002.08.26 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 헌금

      A young Clergyman,fresh out of the seminary, thought it would help him in his career if he first took a job as a policeman for several months.During the oral examination to ascertain his alertness of mind,he was asked,"What would you do to disperse a...

      한국경제 | 2002.08.25 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 건축청부업자의 항변

      A building contractor was being paid by the week for a job that was likely to stretch over several months. He approached the owner of the property and held up the check he'd been given. "This is 200 dollars less than we agreed on," he said. "I kno...

      한국경제 | 2002.08.04 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 성공할 타입

      ... field and said, "How about that one?" "Okay, I'll take it,"said the girl. "But leave it on the vine. I'll be back for it in a month." ---------------------------------------------------------------- ▲ be destined to : ~할 운명이다 ▲ vine : 덩굴 --------------------...

      한국경제 | 2002.07.28 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 물러나는 사장

      The boss called one of his employees into the office. "you've been with the company for a year. You started off in the sales department, and just four short months later you were promoted to vice-chairman... Now it's time for me to retire, and I w...

      한국경제 | 2002.07.14 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 그리운 시절

      ... a law that no bawdyhouse could be located within three hundred feet of a place of worship. So they've got till the end of the month to move that church." ----------------------------------------------------------------- ▲ the good old days : 세월이 좋았던 지난날 ...

      한국경제 | 2002.06.25 00:00

    • [비즈니스 유머] 세상에서 가장 쉬운 퀴즈

      -How long did the Hundred Years War last?(116 years,from 1227 to 1453) -Which country makes Panama hat?(Ecuador.) -In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?(November.The Russian calendar was 13 days behind ours.) ---------------...

      한국경제 | 2002.06.04 00:00