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    전체뉴스 8311-8320 / 8,367건

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    • [국내이슈] '위기론 진단의 허실' .. '묻지마 벤처지정'이 禍根

      최근 벤처기업의 거품론이나 위기설과 관련,다양한 분석이 나오고 있다. 구조조정과정으로 보는 의견들이 많지만 원인분석은 제각각이다. 벤처기업의 잘못된 행태,수익모델의 불분명을 지적하거나 벤처캐피털을 비난하기도 한다. 또 무분별 ''묻지마''투자자들이나 코스닥 시장을 질타하기도 한다. 이와 관련해 정부의 시각이 흥미롭다. 중기청은 일부 닷컴기업의 위기론을 벤처산업의 위기로 확산하는 것은 과도한 우려며,위기론에 편승한 반(反)벤처정서 확산과...

      한국경제 | 2000.08.28 00:00

    • [비즈니스 영어 best5] 회식을 하자고 할때

      ... of this money. B: What did you have in mind? A: Let''s go out for dinner, and hit the bars. B: I''ll go for that. A: Great! Pick you up at eight? B: I''ll be waiting. A: 지난 달 우리 열심히 했어요. B: 맞아요. 정말 대단한 한 달이었어요. A: 벌은 돈을 좀 씁시다. B: 어디에다 쓸 생각입니까? A: 회식도 ...

      한국경제 | 2000.08.23 00:00

    • [해외유머] '귀부인과 강아지'

      An American soldier, serving in World War II, was on a London-bound train. The only unoccupied seat was next to a well-dressed lady and was used by her little dog. "May I sit in that seat?" the war weary soldier asked. "You Americans are so rude",...

      한국경제 | 2000.08.14 00:00

    • [해외유머] '오 마이 파파'

      The precocious teenager returned from school and confessed to his mother that he made love to his girlfriend. "I''m disappointed in you", his mother said. "But for telling the truth, you may go and get an icecream". The next day the boy confessed ...

      한국경제 | 2000.07.19 00:00

    • [해외유머] '공부와 섹스'

      Reasons studying is better than sex. 1) You can usually find someone to do it with. 2) If you get tired you can stop, and pick up where you left off. 3) You can finish early without feelings of guilt or shame. 4) A little coffee and you can do it all ...

      한국경제 | 2000.06.12 00:00

    • [해외유머] '데이트 작전'

      ... watch the movie." "George?" "Sh, what''s the matter, Harry?" "That busty blonde sitting next to me. I think she''s trying to pick me up." "What makes you say that?" "She''s straightening her stocking." "That''s nothing, women do that all the time." "But ...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.30 00:00

    • [해외유머] '우리 어머니'

      Mom and Dad were watching TV when Mom said, "I''m tired. I''ll go to bed." She went to the kitchen to make sandwiches for the kids'' lunches, took meat out of the freezer for supper the following evening, filled the sugar container...and then ironed...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.03 00:00

    • [해외유머] '동락'

      A woman was in bed with her lover, who happens to be her husband''s best friend, when the phone rang. Since it was her house, she picked up the receiver. Her lover looked over at her and listened, only hearing her side of the converssation... "H...

      한국경제 | 2000.03.08 00:00

    • [해외유머] '광고효과'

      ... president had the crook broght to his office. "If you dont mind my asking," said the president, "why is it always my store you pick to rob?" "Simple," replied the thief. "You always advertise such terrific bargains I cannnot resist walking into this store." ...

      한국경제 | 2000.02.02 00:00

    • [한경 펀드] (이색펀드) 동양오리온투신 '장외홈런주식'

      지난해 중반이후 코스닥시장이 초활황세를 보이자 개인투자자들은 너도나도 코스닥시장으로 달려갔다. 코스닥주식에 집중 투자하는 코스닥펀드도 간접투자 고객들에게 큰 인기를 얻었다. 코스닥시장은 잘하면 고수익을 낼수 있지만 위험성도 높은 "고위험-고수익" 성격이 강하다. 올들어 코스닥시장이 급락세를 보인 것이 이를 잘 말해준다. 코스닥펀드 역시 일반 펀드보다 "고수익-고위험" 성격이 강하지만 코스닥에 직접 투자하는 것보다 안정성이 뛰어나다...

      한국경제 | 2000.02.01 00:00