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      Kim Hye-yoon "As I get older, I take more nutritional supplements."

      ... "I received them as a gift." He took out a pouch and said, "I received it as a gift from a fan. I didn't buy much with money." It's a prop that I often carry with me on set. Regarding the e-book reader, he recommended it, saying, "I also received ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.31 00:16 | leesojung

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      Kim Hye-yoon, how many gifts did you receive?

      ... "I received them as a gift." He took out a pouch and said, "I received it as a gift from a fan. I didn't buy much with money." It's a prop that I often carry with me on set. Regarding the e-book reader, he recommended it, saying, "I also received ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.31 00:14 | leesojung

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      Moon Jeong-hee "Ryu Jun-yeol is friendly and humane"

      ... who are trapped in a secret space divided into eight floors and participate in a sweet but dangerous show where they 'earn money as time accumulates'. It is an adaptation of the webtoons ‘Money Game’ and ‘Pygame’ by author Bae ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 15:58 | Yuna

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      WJSN's Subin's father was the CEO of Kang Ho-dong's agency.

      ... banning 'is it too far away yet', banning 'food is sweet or salty', and banning 'how much is this in Korean money?' Contains ‘taboo words’. Park Si-hoo's father, who heard the 'Parents' Ten Commandments for Travel', ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 15:57 | Yuna

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      Song Seung-heon reveals bed scene with Lim Ji-yeon

      ... and proposed a blind date to Song Seung-heon. Lee Si-eon said, “When I appeared on ‘I Live Alone,’ I had no money and was looking for a used luxury watch to gift to my wife. Han Hye-jin said she had a C company watch and brought it to Narae’s ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 15:55 | Yuna

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      Ku Hye-sun, the reason why she spends all her money to study

      Actress Ku Hye-sun confessed that it was difficult to accept separation from her pet. Ku Hye-sun, who showed off her versatility as a professional N-jobber by challenging herself in various fields such as singer, writer, and director, also attracted...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:30 | seah

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      Nam Bo-ra, spreading good influence

      ... May, I found out that the children there were living in an old van that was 20 years old. So, I worked hard for a year, saved up money, and this May, I gave them a new van as a gift." Next, Nam Bo-ra expressed her warm feelings, saying, "I feel proud and ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:06 | leesojung

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      Han Hye-jin "I will make money, I want my boyfriend to do the housework"

      The opinions of the MCs of ‘Interference in Love’ are divided. In the 227th episode of KBS JOY's 'Love Interference', which airs at 10:30 pm on the 28th, the story of a troubled woman who is shocked by her boyfriend's dec...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.28 16:34 | Brady

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      머스크의 xAI 8조원 투자 유치 성공…기업가치 약 33조원으로

      ... "이번 라운드에 조달한 자금은 xAI의 첫 제품을 시장에 출시하고, 첨단 인프라를 구축하며, 미래 기술의 연구·개발을 가속하는 데 사용될 것"이라고 설명했다. 머스크는 xAI의 이 블로그 게시물에 답글로 "사전 평가된 기업가치(Pre-money valuation)가 180억달러(약 24조5천250억원)였다"고 썼다. 로이터 통신은 xAI의 기존 기업가치에 더해 이번 60억달러 투자 유치로 이 회사의 사후 기업가치(post-money valuation)가 240억달러(약 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.05.28 01:44 | YONHAP

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      Bibi→Hwasa... Low-quality controversy that erupts at every university festival

      ... embroiled in controversy over poor quality. There are concerns that the meaning of the university festival will be tarnished by performances by guest singers who sang with university tuition money. Ten Asia Reporter Lee So-jeong forusojung@tenasia.co.kr

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.27 15:59 | leesojung