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    전체뉴스 71-80 / 14,808건

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      Solbi, diet success

      ...caster Solbi showed off her radiant beauty while presenting an exhibition. On June 9, Solbi said, "An exhibition of my work 'Beyond the apple' on the theme of cyberbullying is about to open. This exhibition has a lot of meaning to me personally. ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 16:11 | Brady

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      Dex became a wine jar manufacturer in Georgia.

      ... laughter through observational reality that unfolds while forming deep relationships in various parts of life such as family, friends, and work. The highlight video released this time shows additional lineup members Hong Jin-kyung (Kigali, Rwanda) and Dex (Tbilisi, Georgia), ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 15:38 | Bella

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      Lee Je-hoon said the entire body silhouette is shown

      The movie 'Escape' has released stills showing the hard work of Lee Je-hoon, who played Gyu-nam. 'Escape' is a film depicting a life-threatening chase between Gyu-nam, a North Korean soldier who sets out to escape for tomorrow, and Hyeon-sang, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 15:37 | Bella

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      SES Bada revealed her husband, who is 11 years younger than her, for the first time

      Jang Dong-min and his 22-month-old daughter Jiwoo left a strong first impression from their first appearance on KBS2's 'The Return of Superman' as a father and daughter with all the triple DNA of visuals, genius, and sense of humor. Bada ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 15:35 | Bella

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      BTS Jin and J-Hope, discharge from 'Expressive Warrior' and return as 'World Class Idol'

      ... investment experts from many securities companies currently have a buy opinion on Hive. The fact that Jin and J-Hope will be able to work as civilians after being discharged from the military this year is clearly a great news for Hive, which is facing difficulties as ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 15:05 | Arianne

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      Lip J, Lim Young-woong and concert decorations

      Dancer Lip J announced that he worked on Lim Young-woong's performance at the '2024 Lim Young-woong Concert [IM HERO - THE STADIUM]' held last month. On SBS Power FM's 'Power Time' broadcast on the 10th, Kim Ho-young appeared...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 10:33 | leesojung

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      Kang Daniel, Water Bomb 'Namshin' sortie

      ... Netizens commented on the new news, saying, "I'm glad to see Kang Daniel's performance," "I hope things work out well and the fun activities continue," "It goes well with Water Bomb," and "It's refreshing and sexy." ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 10:32 | leesojung

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      Byun Woo-seok reveals his happy daily life abroad

      ... supermarket. Previously, Byun Woo-seok said in various interviews that he really likes fruits. His hobby is eating fruit after work. Netizens left comments such as "Please reveal the fruit selfie. I will wait," "It's so cute," and "I hope ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 10:31 | leesojung

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      Suzy, visual proof of 'nation's first love'

      Singer and actress Suzy promoted the movie ‘Wonderland’ while showing off her beauty. On the 9th, Suzy posted several photos on her Instagram with the caption, "Movie Wonderland Longines Hall. Enjoy Wonderland at the stylishly decor...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.10 10:30 | leesojung

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      현대차가 설계한 친환경차 정비과정…내일배움카드로 무료 수강

      ... 훈련 내용을 설계했다. 지난해 10월 단기과정이 먼저 개설됐으며, 이날부터 내연기관차 정비와 친환경차 정비를 결합한 3∼6개월 장기 과정이 전국 7곳 직업전문학교 등에서 순차적으로 시작된다. 구직자는 국민내일배움카드를 발급받아 무료로 수강할 수 있다. 우수한 성적으로 수료할 경우 현대차 정비 협력사인 블루핸즈 취업 기회도 얻는다. 지역 고용센터 또는 고용24 누리집(www.work24.go.kr)에서 훈련 참여를 신청하면 된다. /연합뉴스

      한국경제 | 2024.06.10 09:16 | YONHAP