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    전체뉴스 81-90 / 39,702건

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      LE SSERAFIM Makes History with Consecutive Entries on Billboard Hot 100

      ... significant mark in the U.S. music market by securing consecutive entries on the Billboard 'Hot 100'. On the 9th (local time), Billboard, the American music industry authority, announced via its official social media channels that LE SSERAFIM's (Kim Chaewon, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 17:37 | olivia

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      BTS Member Suga Charged with DUI on Electric Scooter

      ... Yongsan-gu, Seoul. The police booked Suga for DUI the following day, on the 7th. Suga's blood alcohol concentration at the time was found to be 0.227%, significantly exceeding the license revocation standard of 0.08%, indicating a state of 'severe intoxication.' ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 17:36 | olivia

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      [한경에세이] 영예로운 노정, '울림길'

      ... 담당 의료진과 직원들이 복도 양쪽에서 그의 마지막 길을 배웅했다. 지난여름 휴가차 방문한 미국 뉴욕 맨해튼의 내셔널911 뮤지엄에서, 울림길을 지나서 생명나눔을 실천하신 기증자분들과 유가족에게 해 드리고 싶었던 글을 발견할 수 있었던 것은 우연이라기보다 크나큰 축복이었다. “그 시간의 기억에서 당신을 지워버릴 날은 하루도 없을 것입니다.(No day shall erase you from the memory of time)”

      한국경제 | 2024.09.10 17:28

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      박상우 국토장관 "해외수주, 맞춤형 패키지로"

      ... 서울 파르나스에서 열린 '글로벌 인프라 협력 콘퍼런스(GICC)'에서 "해외건설 60년을 앞둔 대한민국이 패러다임 전환을 준비하고 있다"며 이같이 밝혔다. 이어 "우수한 기술과 성실함을 바탕으로 한 '제시간에, 예산 내로(On Time, On Budget)'에 더해 각국이 추진하고자 하는 프로젝트에 정부, 공기업 등 다양한 채널로 신뢰를 구축하고 경험과 기술을 지원하는 '팀 코리아가 당신과 함께'가 패러다임 전환의 비전을 나타내는 말"이라고 설명했다. GICC는 ...

      한국경제TV | 2024.09.10 17:15

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      토요일은 유급? 무급? 반드시 명문화해야 될까

      ... 어디까지인지 문제가 될 수 있을 것인데, 최근 필자가 수행한 사건 중에 토요일 유급처리 합의와 관련된 통상임금 사건에서 이 조항의 해석이 문제된 사례가 있다. 사안은 이렇다. A사는 단체협약에서 법정수당 계산방법에 대해 '통상임금×시간 수×1/220로 한다'고 정하고 있었는데, 2004년 주5일제가 도입되면서 토요일이 쉬는 날이 되자 주 44시간에서 주 40시간으로 근로시간을 단축하면서도 위 조항은 그대로 두고 노동조합과 단체협약을 갱신하여 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.09.10 16:23 | 백승현

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      KARA's Park Gyuri Shares Health Update Ahead of Concert

      ...uot;' in Osaka, Japan, on the 24th and 25th of last month. Meeting local fans under the 'KARASIA' name for the first time in nine years, KARA proved their enduring popularity with a parade of hit songs, celebrating their 17th anniversary. Sojung Lee, TenAsia ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 15:52 | leesojung

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      Young Man Overcomes Troubled Past and Seeks Advice on 'Ask Anything'

      ... troubled childhood. He continued, 'After about seven years, I finally lived with my mother again, but we didn't spend much time together. Perhaps out of guilt, my mother tried to show her affection through food, spending around 2 million won a month on groceries.' ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 15:52 | leesojung

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      Son Hyun-joo, "This honor for my brother who cheered for me from heaven"

      ... and meaningful work because of the viewers who were with us. I hope it becomes a drama that you can remember and revisit from time to time. I really loved and appreciated it," he said, sharing his heartfelt thoughts. Heo Nam-joon also said, "I remember ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 15:40 | Yuna

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      Park Jae-hong, 10 billion won worth of assets is useless

      ... future goal is marriage and asked for a follow-up date. Lee Ha-neul readily agreed, and the two headed to another location to spend more time together. After the date, Park Jae-hong commented, 'She seems like a nice person. It was really tough; I was very nervous since ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 15:39 | Yuna

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      Shin Min-ah and Kim Young-dae became an official in-house couple

      ... platforms including cable, IPTV, and satellite. It ranked first in viewership ratings among comprehensive and cable channels in the same time slot. Additionally, it also topped the 2049 viewership ratings across all channels, continuing its upward trend. In this episode, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.09.10 15:38 | Yuna