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    전체뉴스 91-100 / 4,282건

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      国内バンドC&BLUEチョン・ヨンファと日本バンドウーバーワールド(UVERworld)タクヤがライブ公演に対する深い愛情を表わした。 26日午後4時30分、バンドシエンブルーとウーバーワールドの合同公演「UVERworld&CNBLUE SUMMER LIVE IN JAPAN and KOREA 'UNLIMITED CHALLENGE'」インタビューがソウル江南区清潭洞にあるFNC社屋で行われた。 この日のインタビューには、CNBLUEのメインボーカルチ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.27 03:15 | Arianne

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      RIIZE Won Bin's secret meeting with a fan in a wheelchair

      ≪Lee So-jeong’s Yunowat≫ ‘You know what?’ Ten Asia reporter So-jeong Lee will stimulate the public’s dopamine by capturing interesting issues in the broadcasting industry. "Wonbin, a fan of the group Rise, was in a whee...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.26 16:16 | leesojung

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      Kim Jaejoong, in crisis 22 years after debut

      Kim Jaejoong shared his thoughts on taking on the challenge of comic acting through a written interview. MBN's new Friday-Saturday mini-series 'Bad Memory Eraser', which will be aired for the first time on the 2nd of next month, is a rom...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.26 16:14 | leesojung

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      '글로컬 대학 관문 뚫자'…부산지역 대학들 발걸음 가시화

      동명대+신라대·동서대+동아대, '연합대학' 모델로 도전장 교육부 '2024 글로컬 대학 30' 선정이 8월 말로 예정된 가운데 부산지역 대학들의 발걸음도 빨라지고 있다. 23일 부산시 등에 따르면 부산에서는 동명대·신라대, 동서대·동아대가 각각 '연합대학' 모델로 '글로컬 대학 30'에 도전장을 내민다. 전국 대학들의 글로컬 대학 관문을 뚫기 위한 각축이 치열한 가운데 동명대+신라대, 동서대+동아대도 잇따라 '글로컬 대학 비전 보고회'를 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.07.23 16:10 | YONHAP

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      Ahn Bo-hyun, was he this sweet?

      Actor Ahn Bo-hyun boasted of his sweetness. In the 9th episode of tvN's 'Backpacker 2', which aired on the 21st, the story of backpackers who went on a business trip to Incheon Marine High School was told. Incheon Maritime High School is...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 16:04 | leesojung

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      Yeon Jung-hoon cries while expressing his thoughts on leaving the company

      Yeon Jung-hoon and Na In-woo's final story on '2 Days & 1 Night' was revealed. In KBS 2TV's entertainment program '2 Days & 1 Night Season 4' (hereinafter referred to as '2 Days & 1 Night'), which aired on...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 16:03 | leesojung

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      '2nd Anniversary of Debut' New Jeans Minji “New Jeans is special because it's New Jeans”

      ... you think you've just gotten used to the stage, there's always a new stage waiting for you. There will continue to be challenges in the future, but I believe we can do it if we work together with our members. (Hani) As I have done many things over the past two ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 10:28 | olivia

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      Jang Young was moved to tears by her father Jang Gwang's praise.

      ... on a makeover to improve his relationship with his 38-year-old son, Jang Young. 'Miss Trot 3' Bae Bae-hyeon's father challenges to become his daughter's daily manager. In TV CHOSUN's 'Dad and Me', which airs on the 24th, Jang Gwang's...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.21 16:22 | Bella

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      [종합]김태호PD "MBC 퇴사, 내가 후배들 기회 막나 고민..계속 도전할 것"('질문들')

      '질문들' 김태호PD가 퇴사 결심의 속내를 드러냈다. 20일 방송된 MBC '손석희의 질문들'(이하 '질문들')에는 김태호PD가 출연했다. 김태호PD='무한도전'이다. 프로그램의 굴레에 얽매여 부담은 없는지 묻자 그는 "많은 시간 공들여서 만든 프로그램이라 칭찬과 이야기는 좋다. 지금은 그것을 밑바탕으로 쓴 내 이야기가 진행 중"이라고 자부심을 내비쳤다. "...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.20 23:17 | 김은정

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      PROJECT SILENCE's Ju Ji-hoon appears on Cinetown

      Joo Ji-hoon of the movie 'PROJECT SILENCE' appears on the radio today (19th) and continues his promotional campaign. Ju Ji-hoon will appear on SBS Power FM radio's 'Park Ha-sun's Cinetown' at 11 am on the 19th. 'Escape...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.19 16:46 | Bella