전체뉴스 1051-1060 / 3,293건
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Jo Se-ho "When I was unknown, I lied about being a broadcasting station... I ran into a mother with a side dish" Crying
... birthday cake and lit candles, Kim Sook and the members finished their warm birthday celebration, and a coin toss determined the order of five siblings: Kim Sook, Joo Woo-jae, Hong Jin-kyung, Woo-young, and Jo Se-ho. The challenge of the five brothers and sisters to ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 21:56 | Brady
Good People, 'Sharing Lecture' with actress Bora Nam
... such as single mothers, with proceeds from selling hand sanitizers and seasonal fruits. At the talk concert, which was held in the order of part 2, supporters made up of university students and office workers had time to openly ask Nam Bo-ra about the things she was ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 21:41 | Yae Ji Ryu
The man who ripped out the webtoon, Ahn Bo-hyun
... Finished. Not only that, but in 'Take Care of This Life', Ahn Bo-hyun worked tirelessly to perfect each word and movement in order to express the character dramatically despite the background and setting, where everything was different from the previous work. ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 21:40 | Yae Ji Ryu
Yoo Hae-jin, in poor condition... "I like you" hand in hand and heart pounding confession
... fish cutlet they bought in advance. It was my first fried food challenge in Norway. Yoo Hae-jin headed to the campsite reception to order soup, and thanks to that, he was able to serve Bakalao with Norwegian cod. In particular, the tonkatsu Jin Seon-gyu chose turned out to ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 21:25 | Yuna
Kang Ki-young and Kim Hee-ra goblin force with Kang Se-jeong sticking out her tongue
... face of Counters, raising expectations for his future activities. However, with the sound of a shot, the mood changed dramatically. In order to enhance the perfection of the poster, he freely controlled the direction of the trampoline jump, and radiated professional and ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 21:24 | Yuna
Jin Goo "My wife, whom I met thanks to a spider, was not my style" shocking confession
... actually my style," and was booed by the mother-vengers, raising questions about how Jin-goo would have overcome this crisis. In order to clarify the controversy surrounding Jingu's height, which is listed differently on each portal site, a rare scene arose where ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 20:34 | MinKyung
Koo Kyo-hwan "The joy of meeting Jeong Hae-in on weekends"
Netflix's 'DP' season 2 press stills have been released. On the 7th, Netflix released 17 types of 'DP' season 2 press stills. Season 2 of 'DP' tells the story of Joon-ho (Jung Hae-in) and Ho-yeol (Koo Gyo-hwan), who are p...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 20:33 | MinKyung
A fateful combination intertwined with forbidden books... Jo Bo-ah and Rowoon, 'This love is irresistible'
... dynamically expressed. Rowoon played Jang Shin-yu, an ace lawyer waiting for the owner of the wooden box to lift the curse. In order to solve the curse passed down from generation to generation in the family, the level of immersion was enhanced by delicately depicting ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 18:43 | MinKyung
"Be ashamed of your chest"... Park Joo-mi, 'unable to adapt to the current life' in revealing costumes and hot kisses ('Assi Durian')
... intriguing. In the last broadcast, Durian and Kim So-jeo showed their determination to accept the 'fate of the present life' in order to see Dan Deung-myeong (Yoo Jeong-hoo), who looks exactly like the dead Park Eon (Yoo Jeong-hoo) whom they met miraculously. Despite ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.07 18:36 | Bella
美 6월 ISM 비제조업 PMI 53.9%…시장 예상치 대폭 상회
미국 비제조업 경기가 회복세를 보이고 있다. 6일(현지시간) 미국 공급관리협회(ISM)이 발표한 자료에 따르면 6월 비제조업 구매관리자지수(PMI)는 53.0%로 전월 기록한 50.3%, 시장 예상치인 51.0%를 모두 상회했다. 보고서에 따르면 비즈니스 활동 지수(Business Activity Index)는 59.2%, 신규 주문 지수(New Orders Index)는 55.5%, 고용 지수(Employment Index)는 53.1%,...
한국경제 | 2023.07.06 23:05 | 이영민