전체뉴스 1081-1090 / 3,293건
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The topic is number one, but the viewership rating is 'messy'... The irony of tvN, 'entertainment restaurant'
... it has not secured a fixed audience despite the fact that it has already gained public recognition and started broadcasting. In order for tvN to continue its reputation as a 'entertainment restaurant', it needs a strategy to break through the 1% viewer ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:20 | Yae Ji Ryu
Seonghun Choo, how much money do you have? "Pay 10 million won for laundry only"
... Boss Seong-Hun Choo visited with Dong-Hyun Kim was the training camp for his juniors in martial arts, Chang-Min and Ju-Kyung. In order to greet the two seniors who made a surprise visit with both hands full of housewarming gifts, the juniors started hiding the alcohol ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:18 | Yuna
'Challenge to return to 70% win rate' Monsters, only one game until the release
... The strongest Monsters, currently recording a win rate of 60%, has only one chance to prevent the releaser from occurring. In order to play baseball with the members who have shared the joys and sorrows of the past, you must win this game. It is this in the ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:13 | MinKyung
Jae-yi Koo, exclusive contract with new high rank "Signal of actor return"
... then, starting with the drama 'Drama Special - Wetland Ecology Report', she appeared in 'Heavenly Woman', 'I Order You', 'Last', 'The Gentlemen of Wolgyesu Tailor Shop', 'Mistress', and the movie 'French Woman'. ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:13 | MinKyung
Eunhyuk "Family, I'm sorry for the inconvenience I'm experiencing because I'm a celebrity"
Super Junior's Eunhyuk and his sister Lee So-ra showed off their brotherly love while quarreling. On the 22nd episode of KBS 2TV's family travel variety 'Walking into the Wonderland' (hereafter referred to as 'The Girlfriend'...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:07 | Bella
Stray Kids "A stay like the universe, happiness because we are together"... 'Five Star' fan meeting at KSPO Dome
... region has been completed. With their 3rd regular album '★★★★★ (5-STAR)' (Five Star), released in June, they set the highest pre-order record in K-pop history and a new Initial Chodong record, and topped the US Billboard main chart 'Billboard 200' for three ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.03 13:05 | Bella
시민단체 주관 광주시장 직무평가 여론조사 공정성 논란
... 질문 구성이 일반적이지 않다고 지적했다. 한 25년 차 전문가는 "나쁜 이슈부터 얘기한 뒤 그 단체장을 어떻게 생각하느냐고 물으면 평가가 부정적으로 나오기 쉽다"며 "질문 순서에 따라 답변이 쉽게 영향받을 수 있는 오더 이펙트(Order Effect)와 편향적인 단어 사용 문제가 제기될 수 있다"고 설명했다. 또 다른 선거 여론조사 전문가는 "시민단체의 주요 역할이 시정 견제인 만큼 특정 의도를 가진 것은 아니라고 본다"면서도 "보통 전반적인 평가를 먼저 묻고 어떤 ...
한국경제 | 2023.07.03 11:22 | YONHAP
'HD현대건설기계' 52주 신고가 경신, 비주거용 건설수요 및 광산채굴 수요, 장기간 고성장 예상 - 교보증권, BUY
... 또한 EV는 기존 내연기관 차량보다 6배 이상의 총 Mineral을 필요로 하기 때문에 EV 시장 확대에 따른 광산 채굴수요 역시 장기적으로 확대 기조가 지속될 것이라고 주장함. 실제로 현재 HD현대건설기계의 북미지역 Back Order 는 1분기 대비 소진된 모습이 보이지 않고 있고 딜러 재고 역시 아직 3개월 미만 수준을 유지 중. 신흥국(직수출) 시장 역시 중동(사우디) 등을 비롯해 견조한 모습을 보이고 있음. 제품 Mix도 금액기준으로 소형 3: 중대형 7로 ...
한국경제 | 2023.07.03 09:08 | 한경로보뉴스
'Numbers' Kim Myung-soo, I knew the truth 5 years ago... Collaboration begins in earnest with Choi Jin-hyeok
... Han Seung-jo, who became a real cooperative relationship, set out to prevent the sale of Somatech to HK private equity funds in order to prevent a repetition of the same thing as Haebit Construction. In the meantime, Shim Hyeong-woo became impatient when he learned ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.02 16:43 | Brady
"dad?" Kim Tae-ri saw Jin Seon-gyu who became a guest... 'Ghost' creepy ending
... was because there were too many guests. It was also strange that the elderly died or collapsed in pain as if paying a tribute. In order to drive away the guest ghosts, we looked for a 'heather swallow doll', which is a powerful biting guest, but this morning, the ...
텐아시아 | 2023.07.02 16:23 | olivia