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Go Woo-rim, Kim Yu-na's home-cooked hammock cooking skills
Forestella, the idol of the crossover world, will appear in full form on ‘Warfare’. In the 239th episode of MBC's entertainment program 'Point of Omniscient Interfere' (hereinafter referred to as 'Point of Omniscient Inte...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.17 23:02 | Bella
'Rising' Lee Hae-joon appears, surprised Jeon Hyun-moo, fans explode Kyuhyun
A big match will be held featuring everyone from talented musicians dominating the musical world to rising stars. In the 2nd episode of JTBC's 'Phantom Singer 4', which will be aired on the 17th, a big match was announced with famous talents ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.17 22:33 | MinKyung
Park Min explodes with jealousy towards Onami
... jealousy, creating a twist of tension. This is focused. Prior to this, Park Min attempts to get revenge through a 1-on-3 soccer match with Oh Na-mi, Kim Min-kyung, and Park So-young. As Park Min was completely defeated in thigh wrestling by Kim Min-kyung, this match ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.17 22:27 | Yuna
BNK금융지주 제4대 회장 빈대인 취임
BNK는 이날 오전에 열린 제12기 정기주주총회와 이사회에서 지난 1월 차기 대표이사 회장 후보로 추천한 빈대인 내정자를 BNK금융지주 사내이사와 대표이사 회장으로 최종 선임했다. 또한, 주당 625원의 현금배당과 함께 올해 임기가 만료되는 사외이사 5명 중 최경수, 박우신 사외이사의 재선임(임기 1년)과 유정준, 허진호, 이태섭 사외이사의 퇴임을 결정하고 신임 사외이사로 이광주, 정영석, 김병덕 사외이사를 선임(임기 2년)했다. 같은 날 ...
한국경제 | 2023.03.17 17:13 | WISEPRESS
Tanaka and Gangnam are embarrassed by the result of the WBC Korea-Japan match 4-13 match
... New Japanese employees are trying to take positions in the best places to see cherry blossoms." On this day, there was a WBC match between Korea and Japan. Kangnam said, “Where are you going to support my brother? MBC did a good job of casting uncomfortable ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 23:19 | juno
'Unintentional love story' Gongchan says, “It's no different from a melodrama”
... to express that side,” he said, introducing the character. He continued, “There were many scenes that I wanted to match the original as much as possible, such as Wonyoung gradually opening her heart. So I tried to always carry a comic book with me. “I ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 23:06 | Bella
'BL Water Challenge' Gongchan says, “It's like a melodrama”
... excited dog than his owner. I tried to express that side." He continued, "There were many scenes that I wanted to match the original as much as possible, such as the way Wonyoung gradually opens up her heart. So, I always tried to carry a comic book with ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 23:05 | Bella
'Peak Time' received standing ovation and tears
The 2nd round 'union match' competition has ended. In the 6th episode of JTBC's entertainment show 'PEAK TIME', which aired on the 15th, a fierce battle between vocal and dance units was depicted with the remaining two benefits at ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 14:40 | Yuna
Seo Jang-hoon, a broadcast writer and pink?
Suspicion was raised that Seo Jang-hoon, who answered correctly one after another, was dating the writer of 'Unravel Filer 2'. In the 10th episode of AXN and Discovery Channel's quiz show 'Full Filer 2', which airs today (16th), ...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 14:39 | Yuna
'Mr. Trot 2' final D-DAY! Lim Young-woong Lee Eul's second true challenge
... The seven Trot stars challenge for the final throne with the only song that resembles their lives, the Life Song Mission. The final match can be seen in 'Mr. Trot 2 - The Beginning of a New Legend' at 9:30 pm on the 16th. Taeyuna, Ten Asia Reporter youyou@ten...
텐아시아 | 2023.03.16 14:32 | Yuna