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    전체뉴스 16221-16230 / 16,343건

    • 최신순
    • 정확도순
    • 과거순
    • [해외유머] '거품경제'

      George and Bill became interested in art at about the same time. George bought a picture for two hundred dollars. A couple of weeks later he sold it to Bill for two hundred and fifty. Then Bill sold it back to George for three hundred. Finally, ...

      한국경제 | 1997.06.09 00:00

    • [해외유머] '자연분만법'

      After learning the Lamaze method of natural childbirth, the husband was admitted to the delivery room with his wife. It seemed like an eternity before the docter finally announced, "I''ve got the head now ; just a few more minutes." "Is it a girl...

      한국경제 | 1997.05.05 00:00

    • [해외유머] '고해성사 <상>'

      Father Alvin called his friend, Rabbi Wilde, and told him, "Rabbi, I desperately need your help. I''m scheduled to hear confessions today, but I have to leave in the middle of the afternoon to perform a wedding. Will you please help me out by hea...

      한국경제 | 1997.04.23 00:00

    • [해외유머] '경제학자와 화가'

      An economics professor spent long hours after class with a student who was having problems grasping basic principles. After one gruelling session, confident he had finally got through, the professor asked, "If the red supply curve slopes upward an...

      한국경제 | 1997.04.11 00:00

    • [오디오] '김석출의 음악세계와 만난다' .. 예술혼 '활활'

      ... 특히 태평소 연주에 있어 쉽게 흉내낼수 없는 독특한 경지에 다다랐다. 10년전부터는 일본 재즈음악가및 세계 각국의 전통음악가와 교류하며 새로운 영역을 개척해왔다. 그의 음악세계와 최근 연주활동을 결집한 앨범 "김석출 결정판(Final Say): 상"이 삼성뮤직에서 나왔다. 이 앨범에는 창작음악 5곡이 수록됐다. 첫번째곡인 "카일라스산(Mt.Kailas)"은 태평소와 색소폰이 만난 크로스오버 음악. 한국의 대표적인 재즈리스트 이정식이 테너색소폰, ...

      한국경제 | 1997.04.04 00:00

    • [해외유머] '자식'

      It had been a particularly rough day at the office and the father was trying to rest a bit before dinner, but his son was bent on asking question after question. After numerous other queries, the youngster finally asked, "Daddy, what do you do al...

      한국경제 | 1997.04.04 00:00

    • [해외유머] '위장전술'

      One day a fellow started through the gate of a large factory wheeling a wheelbarrow full of sawdust and was stopped by the guard. He told the guard he had permission to take the sawdust. The guard checked and found out that this was correct, and l...

      한국경제 | 1997.03.26 00:00

    • [해외유머] '자금사정'

      A stock operator was set upon by two holdup men one evening. He fought back like a tiger, but after a brutal struggle was finally subdued. When the robbers found only a dime on the man, they asked him why he put up such a terrific fight over one ...

      한국경제 | 1997.03.22 00:00

    • '97 우수게임 사전 제작지원' 대상작품 5편 선정 .. 문체부

      문화체육부는 "97 우수게임 사전 제작지원" 대상작품을 선정, 발표했다. 총 39개사에서 52편을 응모한 이번 작품 선정에서는 왕도의 비밀(한겨레정보통신) 파이널 오디세이아(그린존) 머털도사(오에스씨) 영웅문(태울) 장보고전(트리거소프트) 등 5편이 제작비 지원 대상작으로 결정됐다. "우수게임 사전 제작지원" 제도는 국산게임의 제작 활성화를 위해 게임 제작비의 일부를 지원하는 것으로 선정된 작품에 대해서는 1천만원씩의 제작비가 지원된다. ...

      한국경제 | 1997.03.22 00:00

    • [해외유머] '하나님의 노여움 <하>'

      The boy would yield neither to persuasion nor to warnings. Finally he was sent to bed with the reminder that "God will be angry." Soon after the child had gone to bed, a violent thunderstorm arose and the mother went to her son''s room to quiet h...

      한국경제 | 1997.03.10 00:00