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    전체뉴스 271-280 / 32,774건

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      '흡연의 종착지 폐암'…세브란스병원, 치료 가능성 제시

      매년 5월 31일은 ‘세계 금연의 날’이다. 흡연의 해악을 알리고 금연의 중요성을 강조하기 위해 세계보건기구(WHO)가 1987년 지정했다. 담배에 대한 사람들의 인식은 크게 달라졌다. 1990년대 말까지만 해도 흡연은 드라마나 영화 등에 자주 등장하는 단골손님이었다. 성인이 되는 관문으로 여겨지던 때도 있었다. 하지만 최근엔 흡연은 폐암 등 여러 심각한 질병의 주요 원인 중 하나라는 인식이 높아졌다. 흡연, 폐암 발병 ...

      바이오인사이트 | 2024.05.30 15:57 | 이지현

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      WJSN's Subin's father was the CEO of Kang Ho-dong's agency.

      ... destination, he saw the vast, picturesque snowfields of Mongolia and expressed his touching thoughts, saying, "This is the first time I've seen this in my life, and I wonder if there's a place like this. I feel good and think I've come to the right place." ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 15:57 | Yuna

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      Song Seung-heon reveals bed scene with Lim Ji-yeon

      ... and said, "I think it was when I entered middle school. The teacher asked me about my hopes and wishes for the future. At that time, I said, 'My dream is to marry Kang Su-ji.'" This embarrassed Kim Gook-jin. He continued, "The first person ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 15:55 | Yuna

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      사람경영, 성과의 답은 뇌에 있다 [한경에세이]

      이형우 마이다스그룹 회장·마이다스아이티 최고인사책임자(CHO) 외부 일정이 있을 때를 제외하고 매일 조찬은 가능한 구성원들과 함께한다. 주로 질문을 듣고 생각을 나누기 위한 시간이다. 업무에 대한 고민부터 연애나 인생 상담까지 각양각색의 질문이 쏟아진다. 그중에서도 가장 많이 하는 질문은 “어떻게 하면 일을 잘할 수 있나요?”이다. 구체적인 목표와 고민은 제각기 다르지만, 일을 잘해서 성과를 내고 싶어 한다...

      한국경제 | 2024.05.30 14:58

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      Kim Dae-ho, salary revealed for the first time

      Announcer Dae-ho Kim revealed his annual salary. On the 29th, a video titled '[Announcer Derby] Reunion 13 years after 《New Employee》' was posted on the YouTube channel 'Studio Waffle'. In the video that day, JTBC announcer Kang Ji-...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:31 | seah

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      Ku Hye-sun, the reason why she spends all her money to study

      ... revealed her concerns, “It is difficult to accept separation from my pet.” Ku Hye-sun still appears to be having a hard time saying goodbye to her dog, Gamja, whom she left two years ago. Accordingly, Dr. Oh Eun-young analyzed that she was suffering from ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:30 | seah

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      Kwak Tube “YouTube profits increased more than 10 times”

      ... consulting as a ‘son of Incheon’, saying, “If you’ve had greasy Chinese food in Chinatown, now it’s time for spicy food.” Finally, the five people arrived at a restaurant specializing in seafood stew and monkfish, which is famous for its ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:30 | seah

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      Danny Ahn, there was a reason why you couldn't get married… “My ideal type is Suzy”

      ... 'rich man with hobbies'. In addition, Kim Dong-wan and Seo Yoon-ah met the couple Shim Hyeong-tak and Saya for the first time, enjoyed a camping date, and talked honestly about marriage and second generation, immersing viewers. Danny Ahn knocked on the ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:25 | seah

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      Nam Bo-ra, spreading good influence

      ... relieved that the children can now stay safe. It was nice to be able to drive around in a spacious and clean car." At the same time, he left information about an orphanage where he could provide support. Netizens who came across Nam Bo-ra's positive influence ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:06 | leesojung

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      Shin Se-kyung's pictorial behind-the-scenes revealed

      ... Hae-ryung', and JTBC's 'Run On'. In July 2017, Shin Se-kyung transferred to Edam Entertainment for the first time since her debut. Edam Entertainment's representative artists include IU and Woods. He increased immersion in the drama by working ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.05.30 13:05 | leesojung