전체뉴스 221-230 / 2,322건
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Aespa Karina, the pure white goddess who shines in Milan
Aespa Karina (aespa) has even taken over Milan. Karina attended the 'PRADA FW24 Men's Fashion Show' held in Milan, Italy on the 14th (local time). On this day, Karina wore a white dress made of organza, completing a flowing mood with he...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.16 14:38 | seah
[사이테크+] 1972년 아폴로 17호가 가져온 달 암석 생성 비밀 풀렸다
... 어떻게 도달해 우주인에게 표본으로 채취될 수 있었는지도 골치 아픈 문제였다"며 "수수께끼를 풀게 돼 기쁘다"고 말했다. ◆ 출처 : Nature Geoscience, Tim Elliott et al., 'Titanium-rich basaltic melts on the Moon modulated by reactive flow processes', https://www.nature.com/articles/s41561-023-01362-5 /연합뉴스
한국경제 | 2024.01.16 05:00 | YONHAP
엠클라우드브리지, 영보화학에 오픈AI 기반 업무지원 챗GPT 구축 완료
...bricks) 그리고 스노우플레이크(Snowflake)의 공식 파트너 및 인증 자격을 갖춘 전문 컨설팅 조직과 지원 조직을 갖추고 클라우드 기반 데이터 분석 및 시각화(Data & BI), 빅 데이터 및 AI (Big Data & AI), 데이터 관리(Data Flow & Automation), 이를 위한 데이터 인프라 및 보안(Data Infra & Security) 컨설팅 서비스 전문 회사이다. 박준식기자 parkjs@wowtv.co.kr
한국경제TV | 2024.01.15 16:45
Monsters Lee Dae-eun and Park Jae-wook's battery is shaken by Dankook University's 'stealing base'
... whether Dankook University, which ignited the chase by targeting weaknesses as sharp as a sharp spear, will be able to bring back the flow of the game. Episode 75 of 'A Clean Sweep' will be broadcast at 10:30 pm on the 15th. Kim Ji-won, Ten Asia reporter bella@...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.12 17:14 | Bella
[사이테크+] 북극해 바닷물에서도 '영원한 화학물질' PFAS 다량 검출
美 연구팀 "북극해-북대서양 해류 속 PFAS 양 연간기준 100t 넘어" 자연에서 잘 분해되지 않아 '영원한 화학물질'(forever chemicals)로 불리는 발암성 오염물질 '과불화화합물'(PFAS)이 북대서양과 북극해 사이를 흐르는 해류 속에도 다량 들어있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 미국 로드아일랜드대 라이너 로만 교수팀은 11일 미국 화학회(ACS) 학술지 '환경과학기술 회보'(Environmental Science & Techn...
한국경제 | 2024.01.11 09:05 | YONHAP
'Korean Monster' Ryu Hyun-jin appeared as the first pitcher in 'Monsters'
... last game of the 2023 season, washed away his sorrow by hitting a double at the right time in this at-bat. Monsters rode the flow and ran without hesitation. Lee Dae-eun, who received solid support from the defense, regained his original pace, and the batters scored ...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.09 14:45 | Bella
Park Ji-bin → Kim Min of 'Killers' Shopping Mall', expected to play a scene-stealer role
... excellent hacking skills to uncover the identity of the shopping mall. Regarding the character, Park Ji-bin emphasized, "In the flow of the story, there will be scenes where Jeong-min clearly shows his own unique colors. Every single scene that takes place in the ...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.09 11:55 | ha neul Lee
Will Shin Hyun-bin from the drama 'Tell Me I Love You' put to rest the seeds of anxiety she harbors towards Jung Woo-sung?
A shadow of anxiety came over the love between actors Jung Woo-sung and Shin Hyun-bin in 'Tell Me I Love You.' Genie TV's original 'Tell Me You Love Me' is a classic melodrama about the silent love between Cha Jin-woo (Jung Woo-s...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.08 16:01 | ha neul Lee
Lee Sang-min, is there a difference between the front and the back? Tak Jae-hoon's grand prize after-party does not appear, 'speculation is rampant'
At the '2023 SBS Entertainment Awards (hereinafter referred to as Entertainment Awards)' held at the end of last year, it produced winners in various categories, including Grand Prize winner Tak Jae-hoon, Grand Prize winner Kim Jong-min, Hot ...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.07 14:08 | olivia
Lee Soo-geun lost valuables worth 5 million won while filming
In Channel A's entertainment show 'Trust me and follow me, Urban Fisherman 5' (hereinafter referred to as 'Urban Fisherman 5'), which aired on the 4th, a fishing war for black sea bream on Chuja Island took place with 'rock ex...
텐아시아 | 2024.01.05 14:19 | Yuna