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    • [해외유머] '쎄임 쎄임 <하>'

      "Oh, no," came the unexpected reply. "I''d rather have it fried, sunny side up." The mess corporal was completely dumbfounded to receive the "shame-shame" order from the rest of the group. So the mess sergeant came to the conclusion: "These people ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.13 00:00

    • [해외유머] '쎄임 세임 <중>'

      ... prepared to serve the visiting officers with their scrambled eggs, and confidently asked the first man of the gang: "Am I to serve it scrambled, sir?" ( To be continued ) mess sergeant : (군대의) 취사반장 accordingly : 따라서 confidently : 자신있게 ----------------------...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.12 00:00

    • [해외유머] '하등동물'

      As the professor was in the midst of a speech, somebody attempted to interrupt him by suddenly crowing like a cock. It was done to perfection, and a number of students laughed in spite of themselves. The professor good at repartee, however, was equal ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.08 00:00

    • [해외유머] '공산주의'

      ... stopped going to meetings, the master became curious enough to ask the reason. "At the last meeting I attended," said the man, "it was proved that if all the wealth in the country were divided equally among all the people, the share of each person would be ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.06 00:00

    • [해외유머] '관폐'

      ... my mother $100 because she is having a hard time?" The letter ended up in the General Post Office, and the employee who opened it was touched. He put a few dollars aside and collected a total of $50 among other employees to whom he showed the letter, and ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.05 00:00

    • [해외유머] '몰인정'

      ... manager, "but I''ll give you a chance by posing you a question. One of my eyes is made of glass. If you can tell me which one it is, "I''ll grant you the loan." The customer looked at the manager''s eyes intently, and then said, "it''s your right eye." "That''s ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.02 00:00

    • [해외유머] '친밀한 관계'

      ... flowers, spoke at one of the meetings. More at home in his garden than as s speaker, he began by saying, "I can assure you that it is a pleasure for me to be with you today. I have known your teacher a good many years and during that time we have been intimate." ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.01 00:00

    • [정보통신면톱] SI업계, 해외사무소 잇따라 개설 .. SDS 등

      ... 정보수집등을 위해 해외사무소및 현지법인 설립에 적극 나서고있다. 1일 업계에 따르면 삼성데이타시스템(SDS)은 일본의 동경사무소에 이어 오는 18일 미국 실리콘밸리에 현지 사무소를 개설한다. SDS의 미사무소는현지의 최신 정보기술(IT)동향등 정보수집에 주력할 계획이다. 또한 LG-EDS시스템은 빠르면 올해말 미국 중국등 2개국이상에 현지사무소를 설치할 예정이다. 미 로스앤젤레스에 현지법인 드라코스를 운영중인 쌍용정보통신은 내년중 싱가포르에 현지법인을 설립하는데 ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.01 00:00

    • [해외유머] '알라신'

      ... latter was engaged in the construction of Eve and, seizing the rib which the Almighty had just taken from Adam''s side, ran off with it. Allah followed in hot pursuit and managed to grasp the tail. Yet the dog continued to run with Adam''s rib, leaving its tail ...

      한국경제 | 1996.10.28 00:00

    • [M&A 교실] 외국비용과 위험 .. 윤현수

      ... 초래할 것으로 보인다. 이러한 해외 위험에 수반되는 외국 비용을 감내하면서 기대 수익을 올릴수 있는가 하는 것은 결국 우리 기업의 경영 능력에 달린 것이다. 과연 소유와 경영이 분리되지 않은 우리의 경영 수준에서 해외 위험과 외국 비용을 충분히 만회할 수 있는 능력이 있는지 한번쯤은 인수 기업 스스로 자문하여 볼 때가 아닌가 한다. KY의 논리는 간단했다. "Can I afford it?" (한국경제신문 1996년 10월 28일자).

      한국경제 | 1996.10.28 00:00