전체뉴스 241-250 / 6,247건
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Hyori Lee reveals her childhood scars
Hyori Lee traveled with her mother and solved her past homework step by step. In the JTBC entertainment show 'Mom, do you want to go on a trip alone?', which first aired on the 26th, Hyori Lee was depicted going on her first mother-daughter ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.27 15:27 | Yuna
'Onew joins' SHINee, complete encore concert, "Please embroider a mint-colored star"
SHINee's encore concert ended successfully. 'SHINee World VI [Perfect Illumination: Shiny Back' was held at Inspire Arena in Incheon for three days from May 24th to 26th, and all three performances were sold out, including limited-view s...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.27 07:29 | olivia
Sunmi looks dreamy with her wet straight hair hanging down
Sunmi will return with a new digital single on June 13th. Sunmi released the comeback poster for her new digital single 'Balloon in Love' through her official SNS channel today on the 27th. The comeback poster specified the comeback date as ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.27 07:28 | olivia
샤이니, 우리의 푸르른 청춘이자 현재…'3만5명' 하나 됐다 [리뷰]
그룹 샤이니(SHINee)가 감동의 완전체 콘서트로 팬들과 소중한 추억을 쌓았다. 네 멤버, 3만 관객, 그리고 고(故) 종현까지 모두 하나가 된 순간이었다. 샤이니는 24~26일 인천 인스파이어 아레나에서 '샤이니 월드 VI 퍼펙트 일루미네이션 : 샤이니스 백(SHINee WORLD VI PERFECT ILLUMINATION : SHINee's BACK)'을 개최했다. 3일간 동원한 관객은 총 3만여명. 공연은 시야제...
연예 | 2024.05.26 19:21 | 김수영
SHINee, friendship ring for 16th anniversary of debut with late Jonghyun → Behind the scenes of 'Lucifer'
... “Actually, the members hated ‘Ring Ding Dong’” and confessed that they thought it did not match SHINee’s color, which was previously represented by ‘boyish’ and ‘refreshing’. To this, Yoo Jae-seok responded, “I ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.26 11:19 | olivia
[위클리 건강] "주말 나들이, 자외선 차단을 게을리할 수 없는 이유"
... 된다. A는 비대칭(Asymmetry)이다. 점을 반 갈랐을 때 양쪽 모양이 매우 다르다면 의심해 봐야 한다. B는 경계부(Border)로, 점과 달리 경계가 명확하지 않다면 피부암의 확률이 높다는 의미다. C는 색깔(Color)이다. 색깔이 균일하지 않고 여러 색이 섞여 있는지 살펴보라는 것이다. D는 크기(Diameter)로, 대략 6㎜ 이상이 되면 피부암의 위험도가 높다고 본다. E는 점점 커지는지 경과를 보라는 뜻의 '이볼빙'(Evolving)이다. ...
한국경제 | 2024.05.25 07:00 | YONHAP
Jisung lost 15kg in 2 months
Actor Ji-sung attempts to portray a drug addict for the first time since his debut. He is said to have put his all into acting for the character, losing 15kg and even hyperventilating, so expectations are high for his new transformation. On the afte...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.24 15:39 | Yuna
NCT 127、シングル「Colors」発売、日本デビュー6周年記念
NCT 127の日本シングル「Colors」(カラース)が発売された。 NCT 127(エンシティ127) 日本シングル「Colors」は23日、各種グローバル音楽サイトで音源発売された。日本デビュー6周年を迎えたNCT 127がファンのために準備したプレゼントだ。 「Colors」は夢幻的なギター旋律とシンセサイザーサウンドがNCT 127の甘いボーカルと調和して調和したR&B曲で、歌詞には「君の色を知りたい」という率直でウィットなメッセージで愛のときめきを表現してロマンチックな雰...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.23 23:53 | 김지원
Lucy lands in Canada for world tour
... At the time, the four members not only received a great response from the audience with music that contained Lucy's unique color and emotion, but they were also going on a North American tour thanks to passionate love calls from local fans, so attention was ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.23 18:15 | Arianne
Kim Jaejoong reveals a luxury home that rivals a hotel
... dining table. What was most impressive among them were the stylish interior accessories and unique lighting. Kim Jaejoong changed the color of the hallway lighting with a single button and chose the lighting that suited the mood of the day among several colors. The ‘Pyeon ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.23 17:09 | Brady