전체뉴스 241-250 / 2,322건
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Kim Yoo-jung, unstoppable love for jelly
... read books, but I carry them around.” Kim Yoo-jeong said, “I usually carry a book with me because I feel like the flow is interrupted when I read it briefly, so I tend to carry a poetry collection with me.” He said about the earphones, "I ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.28 11:48 | MinKyung
Daesung holds live tour in Japan for the first time in 7 years
Singer Daesung will meet local fans through a live tour in Japan for the first time in about 7 years. According to his agency R&D Company (D-Label), Daesung will hold the 'D-LITE JAPAN TOUR 2024 “D's IS ME”' starting in A...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.26 10:48 | juno
“My heart shrunk on stage”… Ock Joo-hyun visits Oh Eun-young and talks about stage fright
Musical actress Ok Joo-hyun confessed that she was scared of the stage. In Channel A's 'Oh Eun-young's Gold Counseling Center', which is scheduled to air at 8:10 p.m. on the 26th, Ock Joo-hyun, Lisa, and Lee Ji-hye, the leading music...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.25 07:55 | olivia
Lee Se-young and Bae In-hyuk, secret office date
Lee Se-young and Bae In-hyuk enjoy a secret office date. On the 22nd, MBC's Friday-Saturday drama 'Yeol Woman Park's Contract Marriage' released stills showing Park Yeon-woo (played by Lee Se-young) and Kang Tae-ha (played by Bae In-...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.22 09:41 | MinKyung
'일일 산타' 현대글로비스, 지역사회 어린이에 크리스마스 선물 전달
... 선물을 전달하는 등 추억을 쌓았다. 아울러 아이들이 가족, 친구에게 보낼 감사인사, 새해소망 카드 작성을 도우며 마음을 나누는 뜻 깊은 시간도 가졌다. 현대글로비스는 '투명하고 깨끗한 흐름을 함께 만들어 갑니다(Clean Flow Make Together)'라는 슬로건을 제시하며 기업의 사회적 책임경영 실천을 위해 노력하고 있다. 최근에는 서울 소재 초등학교 4개교(충암초,송정초,월천초,원광초) 106개 학급에 약 3100그루 식물을 전달하고 교실 숲 ...
한국경제 | 2023.12.22 08:34 | WISEPRESS
[서울대학교기술지주 스타트업 CEO] 마이데이터 기반 개인재무관리(PFM) 서비스를 제공하는 '웰스가이드'
... 궁금증을 직접 묻고 AI가 답하는 PFAI 서비스도 마이데이터 사업자를 통해 제공합니다.” 배 대표는 “누구나 개인 맟춤형 재무설계와 자산관리를 제공한다고 하지만, 저희 PFM 서비스는 생애현금흐름(cash flow)에 기초한 솔루션을 제공한다는 점에서 확실히 다르다”고 강조했다. “하나의 재무 목표를 설정하고 이를 달성하기 위해 매달 얼마씩 얼마 동안 어떤 금융상품에 가입한다는 식의 재무설계나 자산관리가 아닙니다. 개인 고객들은 ...
한국경제 | 2023.12.22 00:51 | 이진호
Kim Min-kyung and Oh Na-mi, aces who protected the team until the moment they were released
... was unfortunately declared as a no-goal, but was able to set the tone for the game. Kim Min-kyung and Oh Na-mi, who caught the flow properly, showed off a counterattack with perfect chemistry and knocked on the 'Anaconda' goal without a break. Kim Min-kyung ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.21 16:34 | Yae Ji Ryu
NewJeans releases first remix album 'NJWMX'
NewJeans returns with the remix album ‘NJWMX (NewJeans Winter Mix)’. NewJeans (Minzy, Hani, Daniel, Hae-rin, Hye-in) released two teaser videos in succession along with the album release news on their official SNS on the 14th and 15th. I...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.15 11:25 | Bella
歌手大成がリスナーたちの冬感性を狙撃する。 大成は去る14日午後、公式SNSチャンネルを通じてスペシャルシングル「流れる」のビジュアライザーを公開した。 公開された映像には、輝くフィルムムードの中で揺れる葦をはじめ、風車、海、空、時計など感覚的な風景が盛り込まれたシーンがフレームごとに登場し、濃い感性を予告している。 これだけでなく、ギターサウンドとともに流れるメロディーも耳元を捕らえた。テソンの寂しいながらも暖かいボイスが加わり、より豊かに仕上がる新報に向けて期待が加わっている。 「流...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.15 00:08 | juno
'Ahn Hyun-mo's older sister' Ahn In-mo "If it were me, I would have run away, Lee Young-ae brava!"
... quite difficult. Conducting movements, like ballet, require the body to be flexible so that the members can naturally follow the flow of the music. So there was a conductor who learned ballet separately. That's why commanding movements are so difficult. If you had ...
텐아시아 | 2023.12.14 15:41 | Yuna