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    • [해외유머] '여자의 한풀이'

      ... the car was in perfect condition. "Why are you selling this car so cheaply?" she asked the woman. "Well," she said, "it''s my husband''s car, actually. He recently ran off with his young secretary. I got a telegram from him last week that read, ''In Miami. Need ...

      한국경제 | 2000.06.17 00:00

    • [해외유머] '결혼반대'

      ... I''ve got a bad cold, the heating system is broken and the butcher won''t give us any more credit until we pay up..." "I know," the husband interrrupted. "That''s why I want to bring him. The fool is thinking of getting married." ----------------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 2000.06.06 00:00

    • [해외유머] '섹스관련 법규'

      ... vehicle he nust honk his horn three times, and wait two minutes before being allowed to approach the scene. -In Ames, Iowa, a husband may not take more than three gulps of beer while lying in bed with his wife. ---------------------------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.27 00:00

    • [해외유머] '충격요법'

      A woman was complaining to the neighbor that her husband always came home late no matter how hard she tried to stop him. "Take my advise," said the neighbor, "and do what I did. Once my husband come home at 3 o''clock in the morning, and from my bed I ...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.20 00:00

    • [해외유머] '최고의 직업'

      ... woman to take all her clothes off, and get an eyeful of her body, fonding whichever part that takes his fancy, and then send her husband a bill?" --------------------------------------------------------------- exhort : 강력히 권하다 junior : 아들 take up : (일 연구 등에)착수하다 ...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.04 00:00

    • [해외유머] '뭇 여자의 남자'

      ... doctor said that she was in gerat shape but she was pregnant. She stormed out of the office and produced her cellphone to call her husband at his office. "Do you know what you did you lousy playboy?" she started screaming. "You got me pregnant!!!" Her husband remained ...

      한국경제 | 2000.05.02 00:00

    • [해외유머] '남편 길들이기'

      ... control for a television set in her purse. "Do you always carry your TV remote?" the clerk asked. "No," she replied. "But my husband refused to come shopping with me, so I figured this was the most evil thing I could do to him." ------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 2000.04.29 00:00

    • [해외유머] '라이벌 관계'

      ... shapely maid blurted out angrily. "You fire me because I''m prettier than you." "Who told you that?" demanded the mistress. "Your husband. And, besides that I''m better in bed than you." "My husband told you that?" "No. The chauffeur did." ------------------------...

      한국경제 | 2000.04.07 00:00

    • [해외유머] '앵무새와 새주인'

      ... and said, "New whores!" After their initial surprise was over the girls joined their mother in laughter. When the woman''s husband came home from work, the bird looked at him and said, "Same old face. Hi Sam!" ----------------------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 2000.03.20 00:00

    • [해외유머] '재개발'

      ... Now his spiterful predecessor persisted in reminding that he had received second-hand merchandise. "Hey, George," quipped the first husband one day at lunch, "how do you like handing worn goods?" "I tell you this," George replied, "It''s really great once you get beyond ...

      한국경제 | 2000.03.16 00:00