전체뉴스 291-300 / 4,533건
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[Exclusive] 'Greater China top class' WayV confirms comeback in June
... in Korea. In particular, the 2nd full-length album released in November of last year ranked first on the Chinese digital album sales chart and Chinese music video chart on QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Wang Yiyun Music, and ranked first on the iTunes Top Album Chart ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.08 17:26 | olivia
보령, 영업직 신입 공개채용
보령이 오는 20일까지 전문의약품 영업과 각 지역 병의원 거래처 관리 등을 맡을 영업직 신입사원 상반기 공개 채용을 실시한다고 8일 밝혔다. 서류 심사와 1차 면접, '세일즈 아카데미'(Sales Academy), 최종 면접을 거쳐 선발한다. 세일즈 아카데미는 영업 직무 역량 훈련 프로그램으로 4주 동안 진행된다. 대졸 이상이면 지원할 수 있고 오는 8월 졸업 예정자도 지원 가능하다. /연합뉴스
바이오인사이트 | 2024.05.08 10:28 | YONHAP
YG decides to sell 'Queen Iron Man' production company Studioplex
... subsidiary Studioplex. According to YG's business report, YG decided to sell 60% of Studioplex shares in December last year. The sale is expected to be completed sometime this year. YG said, "We are pursuing a plan to sell a portion of Studioplex's shares ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.07 16:51 | olivia
Park Sang-min returns after 2 years and 6 months... New album released today (7th)
... showcase and free concert at the Small Theater under the Clouds in Hongdae. All proceeds from on-site fundraising and MD product sales will be donated to the Fruit of Love. The mini album will be released simultaneously online and offline on May 7, and the CD can also ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.07 15:53 | seah
Will Ma Dong-seok be caught up in the 7-point rating?
... on the 7th, 'Crime City 4' maintained first place in the box office by mobilizing a total of 2.148 million viewers (80.6% sales share) over the three days from the 4th to the 6th. After surpassing 8 million the previous morning, the cumulative number of viewers ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.07 15:28 | Yae Ji Ryu
Chan-won Lee, takes the first exam to become a licensed real estate agent
... the 9th. In 'Holmes' (hereinafter 'Holmes'), trot singers Chan-won Lee and Ji-eun Yang set out to find a property for sale. On this day's broadcast, a client appears who is looking for a house with a yard in Jeju for his dogs. The client currently ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.07 15:25 | Yuna
ATEEZ adds LA performance to 2024 World Tour
... has been released. Accordingly, Forbes, an American economic magazine, said, “With ‘Record Store Day’ starting, sales of ‘The World Episode Final: Will’ increased by 177%. “It is not surprising that we achieved such good results.” ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.04 16:47 | juno
코스피 2,700선 공방…"밸류업, 7월에 다시 보자"
... 금리가 내려가면서 전거래일 반도체주를 중심으로 나스닥이 상승세를 보인 가운데 코스피가 2,700을 돌파하며 장을 열었다. 키움증권은 5월 코스피 범위를 2,550에서 2,800으로 예상하며, 저PBR 업종의 주가가 하락하면 'Sale In May'로 대응하는 것이 적절하다고 조언했다. 3일 코스피는 어제(2일) 보다 20.66p(0.77%) 오른 2,704.31에 개장했다. 이후 9시 10분 기준 2,698.79포인트를 기록 중이다. 투자주체별로는 개인이 260억, ...
한국경제TV | 2024.05.03 10:15
Min Hee-jin demands termination of her exclusive contract with New Genes in February this year... Hive says 'reject'
... January 2, 2025 ▲ Adore became an empty shell ▲ Seeked financial investors ▲ Recommended that Hive sell Adore ▲ At an appropriate price Sale ▲ It appears that CEO Min discussed acquiring shares of Adore with the money he cashed out as CEO of Adore. Representative Min later ...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.02 16:52 | juno
Jang Yoon-jeong, 'GD resident' Nine One Hannam 12 billion won sale
Trot singer Jang Yun-jeong and announcer Do Kyung-wan's couple sold Nine One Hannam in Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul for 12 billion won. It is reported that 7 billion won in market profit was made three years after the property was sold. Accord...
텐아시아 | 2024.05.02 16:51 | juno