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    전체뉴스 81-90 / 32,774건

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      Yang Se-hyung, there was a reason he was the owner of a building worth 10.9 billion won.

      ... special training methods to become a rich MBTI. The fact that he told us about it amplifies curiosity and anticipation at the same time. Yang Se-hyung, who saw the client wearing trendy items from head to toe, including the hat worn by actress Park Min-young in the ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 15:51 | Yuna

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      Seo Hyo-rim opens up about conflict over premarital pregnancy

      Seo Hyo-rim, 'Kim Soo-mi's daughter-in-law', reveals her parents for the first time in 18 years since her debut, and conveys her inner thoughts that she has not been able to tell before as her parents' daughter, not the daughter-in-law ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 15:50 | Yuna

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      Oh Eun-young recommended for hospitalization after being beaten to death by her father

      ... Report’. The husband confessed that he didn't know why his wife was keeping secrets and that his trust was at an all-time low because of her lies. It is said that even at the recording studio where she visited Dr. Eun-young Oh for consultation, the ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 15:49 | Yuna

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      'Incurable disease' Lee Bong-ju's bent back straightened

      ... movements occur, such as continuously assuming abnormal postures or twisting muscles, regardless of the person's will. At that time, Lee Bong-ju was shocked by her curved back and waist. Lee Bong-ju has been undergoing rehabilitation for dystonia for four years, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 15:49 | Yuna

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      Ki Bo-bae confesses to separation from her journalist husband

      ... about everything and nagging,” and revealed that after 5 months, he was living in a separate house again. At the same time, Ki Bo-bae added, “I realized why there is a saying that ‘weekend couples must cultivate virtue through three gen...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 15:49 | Yuna

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      '제니 닮은꼴' 미모의 재벌 4세, 美 명문 로스쿨 합격 화제

      소셜네트워크서비스(SNS)에서 '블랙핑크 제니 닮은 꼴' 미모로 유명세를 탄 이주영 씨가 최근 미국 법학대학원(로스쿨)에 합격한 것으로 알려졌다. 그는 DL그룹(옛 대림그룹) 오너가 4세이자 유명한 패션 인플루언서며 이준용 DL그룹 명예회장의 3남인 이해창 켐텍 대표의 외동딸이기도 하다. 1일 재계에 따르면 2000년생인 이주영 씨는 미국 워싱턴 DC에 위치한 조지타운대학교에서 국제경영학과 마케팅을 전공하던 중 최근 미국 조지타...

      한국경제 | 2024.06.11 14:59 | 이미나

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      Kim Jong-min wants to buy an apartment with a Han River view.

      While reinterpreting the history of 'Sea King Jang Bogo' in the behind-the-scenes talk show 'Sherlock - Four Perspectives', Kim Jong-min confesses his sudden desire for wealth, saying, "I want to buy an apartment with a view of t...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 13:43 | Bella

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      Group CSR makes a comeback with 'Pretty mob'

      ... their new single album 'L'heure Bleue: Prologue' at 6 PM today (11th) and begin full-length activities for the first time in 1 year and 3 months. The album name 'L'heure Bleue: Prologue', which means 'blue time', is an album that ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 13:40 | Bella

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      Kim Young-ok felt betrayed by producer Na Young-seok.

      ... Over Flowers', producer Na Young-seok sent a positive signal, saying, "As long as there are teachers, I will do it at any time." Baek Il-seop, who could not attend due to other schedules, said over the phone, "I have other urgent schedules, so I can't ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.11 13:39 | Bella

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      "비만·과체중 시 혈당 관리 운동은 저녁에 하는 게 효과적"

      스페인 연구팀 "저녁 운동 혈당 낮추는 효과 실험으로 확인" 하루 중 언제 운동하는 게 혈당 관리에 가장 좋을까? 과체중이나 비만이 있는 사람의 경우 저녁에 중·고강도 운동(MVPA)을 하는 것이 혈당 수치를 낮추는 데 가장 효과적이라는 연구 결과가 나왔다. 스페인 그라나다대 조나탄 루이스 교수팀은 11일 미국비만학회(TOS) 학술지 비만(Obesity)에서 과체중·비만이 있는 사람들을 대상으로 한 운동 효과 실험 결과 저녁 시간대 운동이 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.06.11 07:51 | YONHAP