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    전체뉴스 51-60 / 5,540건

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      Park Se-jin, ADHD confession

      Park Se-jin, an English instructor, expressed the pain caused by ADHD. Channel A's 'Oh Eun-young's Gold Counseling Center', which is scheduled to air tomorrow (25th) at 8:10 p.m., will be visited by beautiful English instructor Park Se-jin ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.24 16:33 | seah

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      외국인에게 "일어로 말해라" 요구한 日 선술집, 논란 끝에 휴점

      ... 트위터)에는 일본에서 선술집을 한다던 A씨의 글이 올라왔다. 그는 이 글에서 "어제 백인 커플이 가게에 찾아왔길래 '일본어를 모르면 응대할 수 없다'고 말했다"며 "그들이 'No english menu(영어 메뉴는 없나요)’라고 묻길래 일본어로 '없다'고 대답해줬다"고 적었다. 이어 A씨는 "여긴 일본이다. 나도 영어를 쓰는 나라에 가면 영어를 할 것이다"며 "일본에서는 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.24 05:19 | 장지민

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      The trailer for 'Escape' starring Lee Je-hoon and Koo Kyo-hwan has been released.

      ...e' is a new work by director Lee Jong-pil, who delivered a message of empathy and comfort through the movie 'Samjin Group English TOEIC Class' and the series 'Park Ha-kyung's Travels', and is about a character who escapes while dreaming of 'to...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.23 15:04 | Bella

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      'Kwon Sang-woo♥' Son Tae-young, did you get a camera massage? “My face got smaller after filming on YouTube.”

      ... smaller after starting YouTube." On the afternoon of the 22nd, a video titled "Son Tae-young finally started studying English with a star instructor (secret tutoring)" was uploaded on the YouTube channel 'Mrs. New Jersey Son Tae-young'. Son ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.23 13:51 | leesojung

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      Shin Hyun-ji, 'annual salary of more than 1 billion won', looks like Song Hye-kyo and Jenny's friend… Everyday life is like a painting

      ... her house, Shin Hyun-ji attracts attention with an extraordinary force reminiscent of a fashion show runway. He speaks fluent English on the phone with his New York manager regarding schedules. Shin Hyun-ji has a full schedule, so much so that she has managers all ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.19 10:24 | leesojung

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      Blackpink Lisa becomes the global building shopping king

      ... House of Rollison purchased it last year for $2.36 million and remodeled it. The house, which has been transformed in the style of an English country house, has four bedrooms, stone floors, vaulted wooden ceilings and is covered in vines. It is also equipped with olive ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.17 08:48 | olivia

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      Kai becomes the first Korean musical actor to hold a world tour.

      ... trembling heart, saying, "I've worked hard like this, but now the time has come." “I feel like I’m speaking English in front of American people,” he said, laughing. “Going to Broadway and singing Broadway songs in English, I feel a lot ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.16 22:04 | Bella

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      BOYNEXTDOOR's new album entered Melon's top 100 on the day of release.

      ... real-time chart at 1am on the 16th, breaking the team's own highest record on both charts. In addition, all six songs except for the English version of the title song are receiving good responses, entering Bugs and Genie's real-time charts. BOYNEXTDOOR released its ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.16 22:03 | Bella

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      한국 발전상 해외교과서에 실리도록…반크, 영문사이트 개설

      사이버외교사절단 반크(단장 박기태)는 한국의 정치·경제 발전상을 널리 알려 전세계 교과서에 해당 내용이 수록될 수 있도록 영문 사이트(https://ourpride.prkorea.com/english)를 개설했다고 16일 밝혔다. 이는 지난해 2월 문을 연 '전 세계 속 한국 발전상' 사이트(ourpride.prkorea.com)의 영어판이다. 반크는 재외동포청(청장 이기철)과 함께 700만 재외동포와 세계인을 대상으로 해외 교과서에 한국의 발전상을 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.16 09:00 | YONHAP

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      [문화소식] '생성형 인공지능 저작권 안내서' 영문본 배포

      ... 국제기구 회의와 국제 행사 등에서 배포하고 정책을 알릴 계획이다. 이달 15일부터 열리는 세계지식재산기구(WIPO) 저작권상설위원회(SCCR)에서 주요 회원국과 면담을 통해 안내서를 소개하고 배포한다. 또한 문체부(www.mcst.go.kr/english)와 한국저작권위원회(www.copyright.or.kr/eng), 한국문화홍보서비스의 영문 누리집(www.koscis.go.kr/eng)에서도 제공한다. ▲ '전통문화 혁신이용권' 사용 기업 내달 17일까지 공모 = 문화체육관광부와 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.15 08:00 | YONHAP