전체뉴스 41-50 / 882건
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Jaewoong Yang boasts of marriage on entertainment show after patient's death
... A's entertainment show 'Best Friends Tocumentary: Table for Four' on the 8th of this month while being involved in a patient death accident that occurred in May. On the 29th, Yang Jae-woong said through his agency Mystic Story, "I and the entire medical ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.30 17:11 | leesojung
'Hani♥' Yang Jae-woong = Psychiatrist and doctor in fatal accident?
... carefully before deciding to get married. If a doctor is not busy, it means he is neglecting his work. That means he is neglecting his patients." I left a message. It is presumed that the reason why unexpected negative comments poured in on the post of the couple, who were ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.29 13:50 | Yae Ji Ryu
Son Ho-jun becomes a sexual minority
... Prize, Tony Award, and Drama Desk Award. In the work, he leads the play as 'Prior Walter', a sexual minority and AIDS patient. He appeared on stage in the musical 'Joseph Amazing' 10 years ago and is returning to the theater stage after 20 years. ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.25 16:22 | leesojung
Choi Dong-seok suddenly regrets divorce
... relationship. Choi Dong-seok, who said that his brother's advice against divorce, saying, "Understand a little more and be patient," sounded like nonsense at the time, reacted as if he had a change of heart, saying, "Ah, I guess that was right then," ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 15:37 | Yuna
中, '경제 방향타' 3중전회 결정문 공개…"민간 지원 강화"
... 신재료, 첨단 장비, 생물·의약, 양자 과학·기술 등을 '전략 산업'으로 명시했다. 그러면서 이들 영역에 대한 엔젤 투자나 벤처 투자, 사모펀드 투자를 독려·규범화하는 한편, 정부는 투자 기금의 역할을 더 잘 발휘해 '인내 자본'(patient capital·금융 지원이 부족한 설립 초기 스타트업 등에 장기간 묻어두는 자본)을 발전시키기로 했다. ◇ '빚더미' 지방정부 세수 권한 확대…'시스템적 리스크' 대응 금융법 제정 심각한 부채의 늪에 빠진 지방정부 재정을 타개하는 ...
한국경제 | 2024.07.21 20:45 | YONHAP
Nam Yun-soo and Go Min-si, both their job and their personality are perfect
... hospital staff who welcomed me warmly. I will become a person who can lend a hand in the face of fear and hesitation. I also support patients who are about to receive a transplant." Nam Yun-su was born in 1997 and is a bright young man who has never served in the military. ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.17 15:06 | leesojung
"유방암 호르몬 요법, 노년기 알츠하이머 발병 위험 낮춰"
... 맞게 조정해야 한다는 것을 시사한다"고 말했다. ◆ 출처 : JAMA Network Open, Francesmary Modugno et al., 'Alzheimer disease and related dementia following hormone-modulating therapy in patients with breast cancer', http://dx.doi.org/10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.22493 /연합뉴스
한국경제 | 2024.07.17 05:00 | YONHAP
Choi Jin-hyuk revealed that his past girlfriend straddled him.
... said, "I have a lot of maturity now," and made everyone laugh. Choi Yeo-jin said that the problem was that she was too patient when dating, and that she once tolerated her ex-boyfriend cheating on her. Even though he witnessed her cheating, he said that he actually ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.10 17:03 | Bella
사이버엠디케어, 美 원격 응급의료센터 SUCC와 원격 응급진료 서비스 제공… 미국 최초 새로운 형태의 의료 서비스 시작
... 응급의료센터는 의료 사각지대에 있는 환자, 노인, 빈곤층 등 사회적 약자와 기침, 감기, 독감, 결막염, 통풍, 알레르기, 후두염, 설사 등 '준(準)응급질환 환자'에게 사이버엠디케어의 화상진료와 원격진료 RPM(Remote Patient Monitoring)으로 365일 24시간 연중무휴로 의료서비스를 제공할 예정이다. 이를 통해 즉각 진료하기 어려운 환자에게 적합한 진단과 처방을 제공할 수 있으며, 잦은 응급실 방문으로 드는 경제적 부담을 줄일 것으로 기대된다. ...
한국경제 | 2024.07.10 08:11 | WISEPRESS_AI
Choi Jeong-yoon, cruciate ligament rupture surgery
... had the surgery at a hospital in my neighborhood, and thanks to the hospital staff and doctors who took very good care of the patient. “I overcame my fear and completed the surgery successfully. I worked hard in rehabilitation for a year and recovered really ...
텐아시아 | 2024.07.08 13:12 | Yae Ji Ryu