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    • [社告] '성공적인 신제품 개발' 세미나

      ... 인터내셔널(RI) 코리아가 한국경제신문사 후원으로 '기업들의 성공적인 신제품 개발(What makes a successful product)'을 주제로 세미나를 개최합니다. 주제발표는 줄리안 본드 RI글로벌 마케팅과학센터(Global Marketing Science Center) 마케팅담당 사장이 맡습니다. ◇일시:4월5일 오전 11시(오찬 후 본 행사는 낮 12시40분부터)~오후 4시 ◇장소:서울 웨스틴 조선호텔 2층 오키드룸 ◇참가 문의:(02)3415-529...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.04 00:00

    • 넥타사, 흡입방식 인슐린 임상 시험 결과 낙관적으로 발표

      ... Aventis [AVE] and Nektar Therapeutics [NKTR] are working together to market the first inhalable insulin - a potentially welcome alternative ... phase III trials were completed in July 2001, but the NDA and the marketing authorization application were delayed as the FDA recommended further ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 23:54

    • 밀러사의 젊은 층을 타겟으로한 요구르트

      ... *dual-pot product to enter the increasingly lucrative children's market and it is being viewed as a product bridging the gap in the market. ...----------------------------------------------- However, the marketing will undoubtedly *evoke the pester power of the under fives who ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 22:37

    • 다임러크라이슬러의 추가 원가 절감계획

      ... renewed focus on costs. DaimlerChrysler's management is still concerned about its American division's performance as the US car market begins to show signs of weakness. As a result, new cost cutting measures are to be put in place. Collaboration between Chrysler ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:56

    • 유럽금융계, IT Architrecture 개발시 J2EE 환경

      ... financial services institutions thanks to the level of flexibility that it offers. Net, by contrast, has come somewhat later to the market and it is more likely to be favored by the smaller banks that have traditionally been wedded to Microsoft and are less likely to have ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:46

    • 버젠社의 새로운 편의점 퀵스탑 "(Quickstop)"

      ... advantage of new trends in consumer behavior, including more frequent *top-up shopping and greater flexibility. However, knowing the market will be the key to making a success of this venture. *rolling out its new 'Quickstop' brand= launching it new product called...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:45

    • RWE, Shell社로부터 시쎈가스 지분 25 % 인수

      ... later ------------------------------------------------------------------- Research by Datamonitor into the major gas user market in Germany in the second half of 2002 revealed customers' perceptions of their suppliers and their likelihood of switching to alternative ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:17

    • GM :다양한 인센티브 제공 계획

      ... markets, GM is planning another round of *generous incentives. Its standard incentives schemes have done little *to boost GM's market share so far this year, but at least it seems to be *faring better than rival Ford. GM's lease customers will now be *able to waive ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:17

    • 쿠에르보社, 전세계 지역별로 광고 특화

      ... *refined for each country, this is an experiment in the power of marketing to affect different consumers' perception of the same product. ... fashionable drink *refined for each country= adapted for each market *Feeling limited by its perception = restricted due to image ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 15:00

    • 프랑스서 대형 할인점 주유소 체인의 2/3 를 줄여나갈 Shell 社

      ... are prepared to sacrifice margins on petrol for business in their stores, has been a key factor in Shell's departure from the French market. Hypermarkets seem favorites *to take a lion's share of its *sites, given that finding a buyer amongst the oil majors may be a tough ...

      한국경제 | 2006.04.03 14:46