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    전체뉴스 7401-7410 / 7,427건

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    • [오디오] "'모차르트'가 IQ 높인다"..미 대학 연구결과 인용

      ... 어린이에게 들려주면 지능이 높아진다"는 한 미국 대학 연구결과를 내세운 2종의 모차르트 음반이 화제를 불러일으키고 있다. 워너뮤직(대표 박준선)의 "모차르트 이펙트"와 한국BMG(대표 김종률)가 낸 "모차르트로 두뇌개발을(Better thinking through Mozart)"이 그 주인공. 한국BMG의 "모차르트로 두뇌개발을"은 96년 5월에 발매돼 1만장이 팔렸고 워너뮤직 "모차르트 이펙트"는 최근 나온 제품. 모차르트 음반이 두뇌개발에 좋다는 것은 ...

      한국경제 | 1997.02.14 00:00

    • [해외유머] '구두쇠 환자 <하>'

      Months later the doctor met his formet patient. "How do feel?" he asked. "Wonderful, doctor, never better." "I''ve been meaning to speak to you," said the doctor, "about that money for the new hospital." "What are you talking about?" said the patient. ...

      한국경제 | 1997.02.05 00:00

    • [해외유머] '모유와 우유'

      A medical student found the first question in an exa-mination : "Name five reasons why mother''s milk is better for bavies than cow''s milk." He answered, "First, it is fresher ; second, it is cleaner ; third, the cats can''t get it ; fourth, it is ...

      한국경제 | 1996.12.25 00:00

    • [해외유머] '라이벌'

      ... fired me because I am prettier than you." "Who told you that?" demanded the mistress. "Your husband. And, besides that I am better in bed than you." "My husband told you that?" "No. The chauffeur did." -------------------------------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 1996.12.12 00:00

    • [해외유머] '거짓말'

      ... "with red fiery eyes and two sharp horns, grabs little boys who tell falsehoods and carries them off at night." "You tell a lie better than I can," replied the lad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- falsehood : 거짓말 fiery ...

      한국경제 | 1996.12.05 00:00

    • [해외유머] '쎄임 쎄임 <하>'

      ... a matter of fact, the uniformity was simply due to a language barrier which made it necessary for the one who could make himself better understood in English to set an example for the rest of the group. sunny side up : (미국구어) 한쪽만 지진 계란 반숙 be dumbfounded : 어이없어 말도 못하다, ...

      한국경제 | 1996.11.13 00:00

    • [해외유머] '부자'

      ... "That''s all right, father," replied the young man, "but as there is only one candle there at present, don''t you thing you''d better be leav-ing?" offspring : 자식, 자손 festivity : 경축행사, 잔치 proceed : 진행되다 ------------------------------------------------------...

      한국경제 | 1996.10.23 00:00

    • 롯데제과, BTC공법 도입.초컬릿 개발

      새로운 공법으로 생산된 롯데제과의 "가나초콜릿"이 선보인다. 롯데제과는 10일 국내 처음으로 첨단 초콜릿 원료가공기술인 "BTC(Better Taste & Color Treatment )공법을 도입해 새로운 차원의 초콜릿을 개발했다 고 밝혔다. 롯데는 이 공법을 도입하기위해 양산공장에 5층 전용건물을 별도로 건축 하고 100여억원을 투입했다. 이 회사는 앞으로 BTC공법을 사용한 제품에 대해서는 사용심볼마크를 포 장지에 인쇄해 타 제품과 ...

      한국경제 | 1996.09.10 00:00

    • [해외유머] '+10'

      A rich old man fell in love with a young show girl and asked the doctor if he thought he would have al better chance to marry her by telling her he was sixty, or knockong ten years off his age. "No," said the doctor, "your best chance would be to tell ...

      한국경제 | 1996.06.13 00:00

    • [해외유머] '당파심'

      ... said: "Well, you know I hate Democrats as much as anyone else, and since I''m going to die pretty soon, I thought it would be better to have a Democrat dying than a Republican." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- old-timer ...

      한국경제 | 1996.04.04 00:00