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    전체뉴스 81-90 / 32,816건

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      Kim Jun-ho re-summoned for away gambling controversy

      ... selection of travel destinations is completed, 'Dogboxz' plays the 'Dogbox Game', offering accommodation fees. At this time, Yoo Se-yoon said, “Since we’re going to Macau, is there any game we can play with chips?” and suggested an upgraded ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 16:06 | Yuna

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      Choi Kang-hee, there was a reason for stopping acting.

      Choi Kang-hee honestly revealed the reason why she quit acting three years ago and announced her return to her full-time job as an actor. MBC's entertainment show 'Radio Star', which aired on the 12th, featured a special episode titled 'Which ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 16:06 | Yuna

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      Choi Jin-hyuk, Jeong Eun-ji and pink air currents explained

      ... Night' is a bittersweet romantic comedy depicting the unusual internship of a job seeker who is suddenly trapped in old age time and a talented prosecutor who is caught up in her all day and night. Choi Jin-hyuk plays Gye Ji-woong, a prosecutor at Seo Han Ji-cheong ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 16:06 | Yuna

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      Shim Hyun-seop reveals girlfriend 14 years younger than him

      ‘National Bachelor’ Shim Hyun-seop, 54, reveals his romantic partner for the first time. In 'Joseon's Lover', which will be broadcast on the 17th, the current situation of Shim Hyun-seop, who finally started dating on his 103rd ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 16:05 | Yuna

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      Choi Hyun-woo wins 1.3 billion won in lottery

      ... Hyun-woo said that he even made the news with a lottery magic trick, saying, "It was broadcast live on the Internet, and at the time, 60,000 to 70,000 people were watching at the same time. I revealed the lotto paper I bought after 8 o'clock, and that became first ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 16:05 | Yuna

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      In his later years, Kim Dae-ho interpreted his physiognomy as dark and miserable.

      ... 'Modern History Experience Center' and discovers old school uniforms. Kim Dae-ho, who changed into his school uniform at that time, drew attention by imitating a scene from the movie 'Friend'. After arriving at the traditional market, Kim Dae-ho tastes 'cabbage ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 14:24 | Bella

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      부산대 "세계대학 영향력 평가서 67위로 도약"

      부산대학교는 영국 글로벌 대학평가기관인 THE(Times Higher Education)가 12일 발표한 '2024 THE 세계대학 영향력 평가(Impact Rankings)'에서 종합순위 세계 67위, 국내 4위에 올랐다고 13일 밝혔다. 이는 지난해 세계 201~300위에서 대폭 상승한 기록으로, 평가 참여 5년 만에 세계 'TOP 100' 대학에 진입했다. 2019년부터 실시되고 있는 'THE 세계대학 영향력 평가'는 UN 지속가능발전...

      한국경제 | 2024.06.13 12:01 | YONHAP

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      일본 여야 이달 19일 '당수토론'… 3년 만에 개최

      ... 야당 회파(會派·원내에서 활동을 함께 하는 의원 그룹으로 한국 국회의 교섭단체와 유사함) 대표가 각종 현안을 놓고 벌이는 질의응답 형식의 일본 국회 제도를 지칭한다. 일본 국회는 영국 의회의 '퀘스천 타임'(Question Time)을 모방해 2000년 이 제도를 도입했다. 이번 당수토론은 스가 요시히데(菅義偉) 총리 시절인 2021년 6월 이후 약 3년 만에 열리는 것으로, 기시다 후미오 정권 들어서는 처음 개최된다. 기시다 내각에 대한 불신임 결의안 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.06.13 09:56 | YONHAP

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      Lee Chae-yeon has been investing herself since her IZ*ONE days.

      ... Lee Chae-yeon, a solo singer who debuted with the group IZ*ONE and succeeded in standing on her own, appears as a daily part-time worker. Chaeyeon Lee, born in 2000, says in her self-introduction that she manages her own assets. Lee Yong-jin asked the secret, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 09:35 | Bella

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      'Inside Out 2' ranked first at the box office on the first day of release

      ... and 5th place was ‘Following’. As of 8:50 a.m. on the 13th, 'Inside Out 2' ranked first at 62.2% in real-time reservation rate. The second place in advance reservation rate is ‘Hijack 1971’ (6.2%), and the third place is &l...

      텐아시아 | 2024.06.13 09:34 | Bella