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    전체뉴스 8661-8670 / 8,750건

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    • [해외유머] '경마광'

      The woman seeking a divorce charged that her husband "has lost all interest in me." "Then there must be something that attracts his attention,"said the judge. "There sure in, Your Honor", replied the woman. "He thinks only of horse racing. He ta...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.24 00:00

    • [해외유머] '종교와 장사'

      The man who had suddenly got religion was being examined by the parson before being fully accepted into the congregation. "You have renounced sin, no doubt?" "Yes, sir... by all means." "And you are henceforward going to be a brother to your neig...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.21 00:00

    • [경제노트] (영어로 배우는 국제경제) 'Nonsense on stilts'

      Whatever Wall Street"s immediate reaction to the long awaited departure of Robert Rubin as Treasury secretary, it will not stop talk about the so called "new paradigm". This is supposed to allow a combination of economic events previously regarded as impossible, ...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.19 00:00

    • [먼데이 머니] 돈 굴리기 : (재테크 사랑방) 김미화씨 자녀

      [ 개그개의 여왕 김미화씨 자녀를 위한 재테크 ] [ 단골손님 : 최현만 문순민 정광영 김찬경 ] 바야흐로 가정의 달 5월을 맞이했다. 5월의 최대 행사라면 어린이 날일 것이다. 아이들은 며칠전부터 각종 선물을 사달라고 난리다. 개그우먼 김미화씨 집도 예외가 아닌 모양이다. 방송 일이 바빠 아이들에게 충분히 잘해주지 못했던 김미화씨는 이번 어린이날만큼은 특별하고 뜻깊은 선물을 해주기로 했다. 인형을 사준다거나 놀이동산을 가...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.03 00:00

    • [해외유머] '기운없는 남자'

      Saul Prim''s wife Sussy whispered to him one day, "Will you go down to the basement and talk to Junior? I think he''s playing with himself." Saul replied, "Oh, let the kid alone. It''s a harmless habit and helps him grow." Sussy said, "In that case, ...

      한국경제 | 1999.04.28 00:00

    • [해외유머] '아인슈타인과 소녀'

      ... parents were gratified, but somewhat mystified too. One evening the mother found an opportunity to ask the professor, "What do you two talk about every day?" "Oh," laughed the proffessor, "she brings me cookies and I do her arithmetic for her." ------------------...

      한국경제 | 1999.03.26 00:00

    • [해외유머] '낚시꾼과 주유소 주인'

      A man was camped along a creek, enjoying trout fishing. Down the road was a gas station where the man would brag to the proprietor about his catches. Leaving for home, the camper had the owner fill his tank, paying him with a credit card. The fo...

      한국경제 | 1999.03.02 00:00

    • [해외유머] '꿈 이야기'

      A group of men were talking about dreams. "I read of a dream so vivid that it was fatal to the dreamer," said a man. "He dreamed that he was living in the days of the French Revolution and was one of the victims led to the guillotine. When his t...

      한국경제 | 1999.01.14 00:00

    • [해외유머] '적극적 신호'

      ... moonlit park, "but you needn''t worry about making conversation. "I''ve devised a simple code that eliminates the need for talk:If you nod your head, it means you want me to hold your hand, and if you smile, it measns you''d like me to kiss you. Isn''t ...

      한국경제 | 1998.12.11 00:00

    • [위기 극복한 '세계의 CEO'] (24) 독특한 기업문화 'HP웨이'

      벤처사업 개척과 첨단기술 개발을 통해 이름을 떨쳐온 휴렛팩커드를 평가하는데 빠뜨릴 수 없는 부분이 독특한 기업문화다. 팀워크 개인존중 책임의식 등으로 표현되는 이 문화는 "HP 웨이(Way)"로 불린다. HP 웨이는 HP사의 공동창업주인 빌 휴렛과 데이비드 팩커드의 인본주의적 경영철학에서 비롯됐다. HP 웨이는 세계의 유수 경영대학원에서 성공적인 경영사례로 인용되고 있으며 전세계의 많은 경영인들에게 벤치마킹의 대상이 되고 있다. ...

      한국경제 | 1998.12.10 00:00