전체뉴스 861-870 / 883건
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[해외유머] '과소비'
The patient was trying to explain his unhappiness to the psychiatrist. "I''ve a son at Harvard and another son at Yale. I''ve bought them brand-new Italian racing cras, my wife a Buick and myself a Cadillac. I''ve a town house and a summer house in ...
한국경제 | 1997.06.03 00:00
[해외유머] '노주'
The very old habitue went to the doctor for a checkup. During the course of the examination the doctor noticed that the patient''s hands fluttered and quivered like leaves during a windstorm. "You must do a great deal of drinking," observed the doctor. ...
한국경제 | 1997.03.29 00:00
[해외유머] '과학발전'
A patient complained to the doctor that he was unable to sleep at night. The doctor told him to eat something before going to bed. "But," said the patient, "two months ago you told me not to eat anything before going to bed." "Well, this just illustrates ...
한국경제 | 1997.03.15 00:00
[단신] '영국환자' 아카데미상 12개부문 수상후보에 올라
2차대전을 배경으로 한 애정영화 "영국환자 (The English Patient)"가 제69회 오스카상 작품상, 감독상, 남녀배우주연상 등 12개부문 수상후보에 올랐다. 블랙코미디 "파고"와 전기영화 "샤인"은 각각 7개부문, "제리 맥과이어"와 "비밀과 거짓말"은 각각 5개부문에 노미네이트됐다. 작품상 후보에는 "영국 환자" "파고" "제리 맥과이어" "비밀과 거짓말" "샤인" 등이 지명됐으며, 감독상 후보에는 앤서니 밍겔라( 영국환자)와 ...
한국경제 | 1997.02.12 00:00
[해외유머] '구두쇠 환자 <하>'
Months later the doctor met his formet patient. "How do feel?" he asked. "Wonderful, doctor, never better." "I''ve been meaning to speak to you," said the doctor, "about that money for the new hospital." "What are you talking about?" said the patient. ...
한국경제 | 1997.02.05 00:00
[해외유머] '구두쇠 환자 <상>'
"I think," said the doctor, "that although you are a very sick man I''ll be able to pull you through." "Oh, doctor," the rich patient was desperate, "if you do that I''ll donate $500,000 for your new hospital when I get well." Fortunately in due course the patient ...
한국경제 | 1997.02.04 00:00
[해외유머] '할인(?)'
... cold, rainy morning when the doctor was awakened by an emergency phone call. Struggling out of bed, he drove miles to reach the patient. "Why didn''t you call me in the daytime?" the doctor inquired. "We''re poor people, sir, and not able to pay much," the father ...
한국경제 | 1996.08.19 00:00
[해외유머] '낚시꾼'
The man had been fishing patiently for several hours whthout a bite when a small boy strolled up. "Any luck, mister?" said the boy. "Run away, boy," growled the angler in gruff tones. "No offense, sir," said the boy, as he walked away, "only I j...
한국경제 | 1996.08.05 00:00
[해외유머] '돈걱정'
A doctor diagnosed a patient''s run-domw condition as too much worry over money matters. "Relax," he ordered. "Just two weeks ago I had another fellow here in a dither because he couldn''t pay his builder''s bill. I told him to ferget about them, ...
한국경제 | 1996.05.28 00:00
[해외유머] '음심'
I was fluoroscoping a patient in my office. "Now," I said, "I want you t lie flat on your back." I heard no response or movement from the table. Since the room was blackened out, neiter Miss Smith, my nurse, nor I could see the patient. Fearing he ...
한국경제 | 1996.04.23 00:00