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[해외유머] '아인슈타인과 소녀'
... parents were gratified, but somewhat mystified too. One evening the mother found an opportunity to ask the professor, "What do you two talk about every day?" "Oh," laughed the proffessor, "she brings me cookies and I do her arithmetic for her." ------------------...
한국경제 | 1999.03.26 00:00
[해외유머] '낚시꾼과 주유소 주인'
A man was camped along a creek, enjoying trout fishing. Down the road was a gas station where the man would brag to the proprietor about his catches. Leaving for home, the camper had the owner fill his tank, paying him with a credit card. The fo...
한국경제 | 1999.03.02 00:00
[해외유머] '꿈 이야기'
A group of men were talking about dreams. "I read of a dream so vivid that it was fatal to the dreamer," said a man. "He dreamed that he was living in the days of the French Revolution and was one of the victims led to the guillotine. When his t...
한국경제 | 1999.01.14 00:00
[해외유머] '적극적 신호'
... moonlit park, "but you needn''t worry about making conversation. "I''ve devised a simple code that eliminates the need for talk:If you nod your head, it means you want me to hold your hand, and if you smile, it measns you''d like me to kiss you. Isn''t ...
한국경제 | 1998.12.11 00:00
[위기 극복한 '세계의 CEO'] (24) 독특한 기업문화 'HP웨이'
벤처사업 개척과 첨단기술 개발을 통해 이름을 떨쳐온 휴렛팩커드를 평가하는데 빠뜨릴 수 없는 부분이 독특한 기업문화다. 팀워크 개인존중 책임의식 등으로 표현되는 이 문화는 "HP 웨이(Way)"로 불린다. HP 웨이는 HP사의 공동창업주인 빌 휴렛과 데이비드 팩커드의 인본주의적 경영철학에서 비롯됐다. HP 웨이는 세계의 유수 경영대학원에서 성공적인 경영사례로 인용되고 있으며 전세계의 많은 경영인들에게 벤치마킹의 대상이 되고 있다. ...
한국경제 | 1998.12.10 00:00
[해외유머] '영원한 군인들'
... Forever." ------------------------------------------------------------------------ banquet : 연회 celebrity : 명사 admiral : 해군제독 talk on and on : 이야기를 마냥 계속하다 writhe : 몸을 뒤틀다, 몸부림치다 hold one''s nerve : (어려운 상황에서) 평정을 유지하다 witty : 재치있는 toastmaster : 연회의 사회자 restore ...
한국경제 | 1998.11.16 00:00
[해외유머] '유치원의 어른 놀이'
... as husbands and wives, then told them to pretend they were at a cocktail party. The kids sipped apple juice and made small talk for a little while. Then the teacher saw one little couple heading for the door. "Sally," the teacher said, "you can''t just walk ...
한국경제 | 1998.11.07 00:00
[국감 지상중계] 구조조정/경기활성화 '도마위에'
재경위 =재정경제부에 대한 국감에서 여야 의원들은 금융 및 기업 구조 조정, 경제정책의 일관성 문제, 신용경색 해소방안과 경기활성화대책 등을 주로 추궁했다. 한나라당 박명환 의원은 "현정부는 말만 앞세우고 행동은 없는 "NATO(No Action Talking Only)"정부"라고 비꼰 뒤 "대기업개혁, 금융개혁, 공기업 민영화, 실업대책 등 무엇하나 제대로 이뤄지는 게 없다"고 질타했다. 한나라당 안택수 의원은 "자민련이 표면적으론...
한국경제 | 1998.10.23 00:00
[해외유머] '이처'
Walking out of his office for lunch, a man encountered his family physician and said, "How nice to meet you, Doc. I was thinking of talking with you about my wife''s tonsils." "Her tonsils?" inquired the doctor. "Yes, her tonsils," replied the ma...
한국경제 | 1998.10.15 00:00
[해외유머] '퀴즈시리즈'
"Four girls were talking about Miss Carter, their favorite teacher. One girl thought Miss Carter was at least 27 years old. Another girl suggested that Miss Carter was 31 years old. A third girl was sure Miss Carter was 36, and the fourth girl gue...
한국경제 | 1998.08.22 00:00