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전체뉴스 81-90 / 31,530건

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    'Kwon Sang-woo♥' Son Tae-young, did you get a camera massage? “My face got smaller after filming on YouTube.”

    ... naturally benefited from YouTube. Son Tae-young's appearance on his way to pick up his daughter Ri-ho was also revealed. On this day, the first total solar eclipse occurred in the United States in 7 years. Son Tae-young enjoyed a total solar eclipse with her daughter. ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.23 13:51 | leesojung

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    삼성SDI, 세계 전기차 석학들에게 미래 기술 뽐낸다

    ... announced that will be taking part in the 37th Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exposition (EVS37) that kicks off on April 23 for a four-day run in Seoul. The EVS boasts a rich history of being held since 1969 and is the longest-running international convention for electric ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.23 07:55 | WISEPRESS

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    LG전자, 美 사옥에 곤충 서식 위한 정원 개장

    ... 있는 ESG 경영활동을 전개하며 지속가능한 미래 만들고 고객과의 약속 실천해갈 것” LG전자(대표이사 조주완)가 현지시간 22일 미국에서 환경 보호를 주제로 '라이프스굿 지구의 날 기념 행사(Life's Good Earth Day Fair)'를 진행했다. 뉴저지주에 위치한 북미 사옥에서 펼쳐진 이번 행사에는 고객과 지역 거주민, 임직원 및 가족 등 7백여 명이 참여해 의미를 더했다. 이번 행사는 LG전자의 ESG 경영비전 '모두를 위한 더 나은 삶(Better ...

    한국경제 | 2024.04.23 07:40 | WISEPRESS

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    俳優チュウォンがファンに暖かい春をプレゼントした。 去る21日チュウォンがファンの愛に報いるためロイキムの'春が来ても'カバー映像を公開した。先月30日に開催した2024チュウォンファンミーティング「HAPPY JOO WON DAY:ハッピーチュウォンデー」でファンと忘れられない一日を過ごしたチュウォンがもう一度ファンのための歌プレゼントを準備して感動をプレゼントした。 公開された映像の中、チュウォンは日光が入ってくる暖かい雰囲気のスタジオで日常の面を盛り込んだ。本を読んで...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 23:45 | Yae Ji Ryu

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    グループNCTドヨンが最初のアルバム「青春のフォーマル」(YOUTH)を発表し、ソロアーティストとしてデビューする。 都営初のソロアルバム「青春のフォーマル」(YOUTH)は22日午後6時、各種音楽サイトで全曲音源公開され、YouTubeのSMTOWNチャンネルなどを通じてタイトル曲「ホタル」(Little Light)ミュージックビデオも同時に会うことができる。 今回のアルバムはタイトル曲「ホタル」を含む計10曲で構成されており、青春という波の中に体験する様々な感情(泡)を都営の声と感性で...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 23:29 | Arianne

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    Park Jung-hyun is rumored to be retiring from the music industry.

    ... pm on Tuesday, April 23, 'R&B Fairy' Park Jung-hyun appears as a guest, and Chae Rina receive a warm welcome. On this day, Park Jung-hyun, who appeared in a 'fairy form' in a forest full of flowers, exchanged formal greetings, saying, "We have ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 21:32 | Yae Ji Ryu

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    'Lee Chae-min♥' Ryu Da-in, holding on to love and holding a baseball

    ... the 25th." Ryu Da-in, a native of Busan and a long-time fan of the Lotte Giants, participated in the first pitch. On this day, Ryu Da-in is expected to cheer on the Lotte Giants' winning streak and instill the spirit of the victory fairy. Ryu Da-in appeared ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 21:31 | Yae Ji Ryu

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    Ki-Ryang Park says goodbye to his dog of 13 years

    ... still can't believe that you left so suddenly. Until a few days ago, you were jumping up and down every time I went out for a walk, ... he said, expressing his earnest feelings. He said, "The day before you left, I had a really important comeback game, and the ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 21:29 | Yae Ji Ryu

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    주원, 노래까지 잘하는 만능캐…'봄이 와도' 커버

    ... 주원이 팬들에게 따듯한 봄을 선물했다. 지난 21일 주원이 팬들의 사랑에 보답하기 위해 로이킴의 '봄이 와도' 커버 영상을 공개했다. 지난달 30일 개최했던 2024 주원 팬미팅 'HAPPY JOO WON DAY : 해피 주원 데이'로 팬들과 잊지 못할 하루를 보낸 주원이 또 한 번 팬들을 위한 노래 선물을 준비해 감동을 선사했다. 공개된 영상 속 주원은 햇빛이 들어오는 따듯한 분위기의 스튜디오에서 일상의 면면을 담아냈다. 책을 읽고 ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 17:40 | 류예지

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    BBGIRLS, 'Rollin'' comeback legend, 3-member system after 3 years...Yujeong withdrawal

    ... not spare any support so that VV Girls can be active in various fields." After debuting as Brave Girls, VvGirls spent their days in obscurity, but established themselves in the music industry with the comeback legend of 'Rollin'. After her contract ...

    텐아시아 | 2024.04.22 16:40 | olivia