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    전체뉴스 191-200 / 2,266건

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      Kim Min-kyung and Oh Na-mi, aces who protected the team until the moment they were released

      ... was unfortunately declared as a no-goal, but was able to set the tone for the game. Kim Min-kyung and Oh Na-mi, who caught the flow properly, showed off a counterattack with perfect chemistry and knocked on the 'Anaconda' goal without a break. Kim Min-kyung ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.21 16:34 | Yae Ji Ryu

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      NewJeans releases first remix album 'NJWMX'

      NewJeans returns with the remix album ‘NJWMX (NewJeans Winter Mix)’. NewJeans (Minzy, Hani, Daniel, Hae-rin, Hye-in) released two teaser videos in succession along with the album release news on their official SNS on the 14th and 15th. I...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.15 11:25 | Bella

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      歌手大成がリスナーたちの冬感性を狙撃する。 大成は去る14日午後、公式SNSチャンネルを通じてスペシャルシングル「流れる」のビジュアライザーを公開した。 公開された映像には、輝くフィルムムードの中で揺れる葦をはじめ、風車、海、空、時計など感覚的な風景が盛り込まれたシーンがフレームごとに登場し、濃い感性を予告している。 これだけでなく、ギターサウンドとともに流れるメロディーも耳元を捕らえた。テソンの寂しいながらも暖かいボイスが加わり、より豊かに仕上がる新報に向けて期待が加わっている。 「流...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.15 00:08 | juno

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      'Ahn Hyun-mo's older sister' Ahn In-mo "If it were me, I would have run away, Lee Young-ae brava!"

      ... quite difficult. Conducting movements, like ballet, require the body to be flexible so that the members can naturally follow the flow of the music. So there was a conductor who learned ballet separately. That's why commanding movements are so difficult. If you had ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.14 15:41 | Yuna

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      Jung Woo-sung and Kim Seong-soo's fifth reunion

      ≪Lee Ha-neul’s long take≫ Ten Asia reporter Lee Ha-neul (and film critic) provides an in-depth analysis of the movie story, like the long-take filming technique that shows the screen for a long time in one breath. If the director envisions th...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.14 11:38 | ha neul Lee

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      Park So-dam, “I can't get up from thyroid cancer surgery without my dad's help.”

      ... of people. To be honest, there were some parts that were a bit difficult during the recovery process. Even though my emotional flow and physical strength were fine, suddenly the ups and downs were great, like a battery running out. "When I was offered this ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.13 17:15 | Yuna

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      Lee Ji-ah, first meeting with Kang Ki-young

      ... performances matured, the excitement at the scene also increased. Lee Ji-ah, who played the role of divorcee Sarah Kim, led the flow of the play with her unrivaled atmosphere and energy. When listening to the client's story, he used empathetic eyes, and when acting ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.13 10:40 | MinKyung

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      BIGBANG Daesung releases solo single for the first time in 13 years

      ... Daesung will release his special single ‘Flowing’ through various online music sites on the 18th. Daesung's 'Flow' is a remake of Lee Han-cheol's original song released in 2012. Daesung sings lyrics that seem to comfort the past days ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.12 16:10 | Bella

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      'Sweet Home 2' Ko Min-si "Lee Do-hyun's naked ending was cool and powerful."

      ... 'Sweet Home 2' was worried, he said, "Rather than feeling like the main character, I thought of him as a character in the flow of the story," and "I thought Hyun-soo and Sang-wook (played by Lee Jin-wook) filmed a lot of cool and attractive scenes. ...

      텐아시아 | 2023.12.12 15:27 | Yuna

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      한컴, 결산 배당 위한 권리주주 확정 공시

      ... 시장을 공략하는 미래 비전과 함께 앞으로 3년간 펼칠 주주환원 계획을 공개했다. 적극적이고 투명한 정책을 바탕으로 기업가치를 높이고자 수립한 계획에 따르면 한컴은 올해부터 3년간 매년 별도 기준 잉여현금흐름(FCF, Free Cash Flow)의 25~30%를 상회하는 규모를 배당으로 주주에게 환원할 방침이다. 배당에 관한 구체적인 사안은 주주명부 확정 후 이사회와 내년 3월경 개최하는 정기주주총회를 거쳐 확립할 예정이다. 김연수 한컴 대표는 “한컴의 배당은 2018년 ...

      한국경제 | 2023.12.12 13:59 | WISEPRESS