[한국경제] 뉴스 301-310 / 397건
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[비즈니스 유머] 부처님
When a young man abused him, Buddha listened in silence : but when the man had finished, Buddha asked him, "Son, if a man declined to accept a present made to him, to whom would it belong?" The man answered, "To him who offered it." "My son," said ...
한국경제 | 2004.05.24 00:00
CEO 기본기 만들기(4) : 정말 중요한 것은 현장에 있다
... 이해관계들의 합작품이라고 할 수 있다. 우리가 성공을 향해서, CEO를 향해서 나아갈때 위의 세가지 요소가 우리의 눈과 귀를 멀게 하고 정신을 흐리게 할 수도 있다. 잭웰치는 우리에게 이렇게 말한다. '현장의 목소리에 귀 기울여라!(Listen To The People Who Actually Do The Work!).' LG전자의 김쌍수 부회장은 10여년 넘게 무슨 일이 있어도 한 달에 한번은 반드시 생산현장을 찾아 현장미팅을 가졌다. 이번 탄핵정국에서 현장의 목소리를 ...
The pen | 2004.04.14 18:34
[비즈니스 유머] 연설
... making so many speeches to the voters.You didn't have to do that." "That's right," agreed the weary wife. "But, remember I had to listen to them!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * hectic : 흥분한, 격앙된, 피로를 낳는 * growl : ...
한국경제 | 2004.04.14 00:00
[비즈니스 유머] 이제 그만 쉬세요
"Fellow citizens, I have fought for our country. I have often had no bed but the battlefield. I have marched over the frozen ground till every step has been marked with bloods…." The campaign speech was interrupted as a listener shouted, "By golly, ...
한국경제 | 2004.04.08 00:00
[비즈니스 유머] 정치판 시리즈
"How are you going to keep crime down in this country?" a listener of the campaign speech asked the politician who was notorious for his symbiotic relationship with criminal gangs. "Oh, that's very simple," the candidate promptly replied. "Whenever ...
한국경제 | 2004.03.08 00:00
[한경에세이] 술 .. 데이비드 루카스 (영어원문 첨부)
... people to talk freely and frankly about their opinions.Generally speaking,Koreans are reasonable people if you take time to listen to their point of view. I would like to share with you my own reasoning as to why this type of situation might occur. Firstly,Koreans ...
한국경제 | 2003.11.25 00:00
[비지니스 유머] 골프 광
... woman dressed in a bridal gown came running toward him. "This is our wedding day," she shouted. "How could you do this to me?" "Listen,Linda," said the gold nut, "I told you only if it's raining.Only if it's raining!" -------------------------------------------...
한국경제 | 2003.11.24 00:00
[한경에세이] 한국에 사는 즐거움 .. 데이비드 루카스 (영어원문 첨부)
... Jango skills (the Korean traditional drum) played by a very proud restaurant owner in Kwangju. My advice to visitors is always the same, take some time out of your schedule - look, listen and learn, you will be surprised to see what Korea has to offer!
한국경제 | 2003.11.04 00:00
[비즈니스 유머] 재판
A thief stood bewildered before the judge, listening but not understanding. Finally his attorney said, "You're acquitted." "What does that mean?" the thief asked. "It means you are free, you are not guilty." said his attorney. "Oh! But what about...
한국경제 | 2003.09.09 00:00
[비즈니스 유머] 효심재평가
... family must be really pleased that you can hear again." The old man replied, "Oh, I haven't told my family yet. I just sit around and listen to the conversations. I've changed my will three times!" -------------------------------------------------------------- 그 노인은 ...
한국경제 | 2003.06.03 00:00