[한국경제] 뉴스 201-210 / 339건
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[한경에세이] 렌즈 속 휴머니즘
... World" in 2007, which was the first photo exhibition with photos of patients in Korea to portray the actual patients with in-depth artistic ... His artistic photos captured real and impressive scenes of 100 patients and caregivers such as patient families and healthcare professionals. ...
한국경제 | 2009.04.22 00:00 | 정영민
[비즈니스 유머] 유명한 환자
A surgeon went to check on his very famous patient after an operation. She was awake, so he examined her. "You won't be here long," he said. She asked how long will it be before "I am able to have a normal sex life again, Doctor?" The surgeon seemed ...
한국경제 | 2009.04.09 00:00
[한경에세이] 행복 나누기
... volunteer projects every year, including spending the day with disabled children and senior citizens with no family, taking care of elderly patients at nursing homes as well as a fund-raising 'Beautiful Store' bazaar of goods donated by all associates for helping needy leukemia patients. ...
한국경제 | 2009.04.08 00:00 | 김수찬
[한경에세이] 역지사지
... 있지는 않은지.그렇다면 오늘은 한 번쯤 상대방의 입장에서 나를 돌아보는 시간을 가져보면 어떨까. [영문 원고] Patient-centric mindset Peter Jager,President of Novartis Korea < ... difference in changing the way we operate based on insights from patients ? patient centricity. Patient centricity means truly understanding ...
한국경제 | 2009.04.01 00:00 | 최규술
[한경에세이] CEO의 건강관리
... are the No. 1 cause of death across the world. After paying keen attention to their disease throughout winter, many hypertension patients apt to loosen the attention when it begins to get warm like these days. Patients with blood pressure of more than 140/90mmHg are ...
한국경제 | 2009.03.25 00:00 | 최규술
[한경에세이] 물고기 잡는 법
... science and technology in this sector is rapidly transforming the way we discover new breakthrough medicines that address unmet patient needs world-wide. With the elucidation and publication of the 'Human Genome' in 2001, the science of 'Functional Genomics' has taken ...
한국경제 | 2009.03.18 00:00 | 최규술
[한경에세이] 추기경의 선물
... people.The ultimate 'gift of life' was the donation of his own corneas to patients in dear need of cornea transplantation.This act not only gave eye sight to at least one patient,but also reminded the entire community of the importance of organ donation ...
한국경제 | 2009.03.04 00:00 | 최규술
[비즈니스 유머] 특별한 인척관계
... who is a nun," he said. The nun became agitated and announced loudly, "Nuns are not spinsters! Nuns are married to God!" The patient replied, "In that case, send the bill to my brother?gin?glaw." 심장에 큰 탈이 난 사람이 절개수술을 받았다. 수술에서 깨어나 보니 수녀들이 간병을 해주는 가톨릭 병원이었다. ...
한국경제 | 2009.03.04 00:00
[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Essay ⑩-You Can Top up Here!
... game was much more beneficial because children are naturally more impatient. Learning the Korean chess forced me to become more patient. Also,learning a game like the Korean chess taught me critical thinking and problem solving skills. Learning the same skills as ...
한국경제 | 2009.02.06 13:41 | 오춘호
[이블린 킴의 iBT writing] Intagrate Essay ⑤-Isn't that something?
... Integrate Essay가 끝나면 다시 independent Essay로 연재할 계획이며 그때 에세이의 기본을 확실히 다질 계획이다. Grammar; Modifiers wrong ; The doctor had too many patients that he could not see them all. right ; The doctor had so many patients that he could not see them all. wrong ; It was so good ...
한국경제 | 2008.11.07 15:57 | 오춘호