전체뉴스 91-100 / 849건
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Ahn Eun-jin proposes to her lover Namgoong Min
‘Lovers’ Ahn Eun-jin proposed to Namgoong Min. According to Nielsen Korea, a viewership rating research company, on the 18th, the 20th episode of MBC's Friday-Saturday drama 'Lovers', which aired the previous day, recorded 12...
텐아시아 | 2023.11.18 16:41 | Brady
Chan-won Lee, spreading his good influence globally
... Chan-won also participated in sharing by donating Good Star's October King's Prize money to support transplant expenses for patients with children. Good Star is a donation platform that supports the good influence of stars, and Lee Chan-won is showing his amazing ...
텐아시아 | 2023.11.09 23:49 | MinKyung
[전문가에게 듣는다] 김경환 서울대병원 융합의학기술원장 “분산형 임상 위한 제도적 기반 마련해 환자 중심 임상시험 시대 열겠다”
... 상당히 불안한 시스템이다. 임상시험이 6개월간 지속된다고 하면 환자 입장에선 1초도 놓치지 않고 모니터링받길 원할 것이다. 환자가 부작용 등을 보고하는 시스템도 좀더 자유로워야 한다. 환자에게 발생하는 다양한 수치 등의 결과(Patient-generated, reported outcomes)가 주기적으로 의료진에게 전송돼야 한다. 이를 토대로 의료진은 임상시험을 계속할지, 중단할지를 결정해야 한다. Q. 다양한 기술적 도움이 필요하겠다. A. 사물인터넷(IoT) ...
바이오인사이트 | 2023.11.08 08:45 | 이지현
그래디언트 바이오컨버전스, 바이오유럽 2023 참가
... 바이오 파트너링 행사다. 전 세계 제약 바이오 및 바이오테크 전문가와 업계 관계자들이 모여 최신 바이오 연구성과를 공유하고 비즈니스의 기회를 모색하는 자리다. 그래디언트 바이오컨버전스는 이번 전시에서 암환자 유래 오가노이드(patient-derived organoid, PDO) 뱅킹을 활용한 인공지능(AI) 기반 신규 항암 타깃 발굴 플랫폼을 소개하고 사업화 논의를 진행할 계획이다. 그래디언트 바이오컨버전스가 보유한 PDO 뱅크는 글로벌 수준의 높은 임상 재현도를 ...
바이오인사이트 | 2023.11.06 14:52 | 이우상
삼성제약, 'GV1001 췌장암' 임상 3상 분석 논문 국제 학술지 게재에 ↑
... 논문명은 '혈청 이오탁신 수치가 높은 진행성 췌장암 환자들에게 나타난 GV1001의 효능(Efficacy of GV1001 with gemcitabine/capecitabine in previously untreated patients with advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma having high serum eotaxin levels)'이다. 이 논문은 삼성제약이 국내에서 약 5년간 실시한 췌장암 임상시험 3상 ...
한국경제 | 2023.11.02 09:39 | 차은지
“Volunteering and donations to make money” Jo In-seong had a good reason for praising his personality
..." For 12 years, Jo In-seong has been at the forefront of various volunteer services and donations, including helping child patients at Asan Medical Center in Seoul, sponsoring treatment costs for rare pediatric diseases, and sponsoring the construction of schools ...
텐아시아 | 2023.10.25 00:34 | olivia
Drama 'Morning Comes Even in the Psychiatric Ward', the story of people with cold hearts
... medicine department to the psychiatric ward. Da-eun, who is in charge of a patient at a psychiatric ward for the first time, is confident that she will do well. Da-eun, who listens to the stories of patients and encounters the slightly special world they feel, makes mistakes, gets ...
텐아시아 | 2023.10.19 17:24 | ha neul Lee
Nmix, a meaningful meeting with a domestic patient dreaming of becoming an idol
... NMIXX (Nmix) together supported the shining dreams of domestic patients. JYP is carrying out its representative CSR activity, 'EDM ... diseases by providing emotional support. Recently, a domestic patient shared a wish he wanted to fulfill with JYP artist NMIXX, and NMIXX ...
텐아시아 | 2023.10.17 15:27 | juno
100 episodes revealed by Oh Jeong-se↑ The secret to being prolific
... Next, we continue the talk with Professor Sangwoo Oh, a family medicine and obesity specialist. He said that the number of obese patients has increased rapidly since COVID-19, and he plans to inform people about the dangers of obesity, which is the root of all diseases, ...
텐아시아 | 2023.10.11 11:55 | Yuna
Drama 'Kidnapping Day' Yoon Kye-sang faces crisis
... not be told. The knife that Cheorwon wielded in the past was not just a weapon, but a bloody scalpel found in the room of an AIDS patient. What was even more shocking was the fact that Director Choi's daughter, who was injured with a knife at the time, was Hye-eun. ...
텐아시아 | 2023.09.28 16:22 | ha neul Lee