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      여러 단어 입력시 쉼표(,)로 구분해주세요.

    전체뉴스 21-30 / 8,174건

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      '2nd Anniversary of Debut' New Jeans Minji “New Jeans is special because it's New Jeans”

      ... moment from your New Genes activities over the past two years? (Minji) There are many moments, but what I remember the most right now is the Tokyo Dome fan meeting. It was a dream-like moment spending time with the music-loving Bunnies. (Hani) There are so many, but ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.22 10:28 | olivia

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      동화같은 화풍·수놓은 듯한 질감…'MZ세대 인기' 우국원의 신작

      ... 다음 세대에게 전달하는 작가의 메시지가 직접적으로 등장한다. 커다란 호랑이를 무는 작은 캐릭터의 그림 아래에는 '만약 누군가가 너를 문다면 그들을 바로 다시 물어버려라'(If someone bite you, bite them right back) 같은 글이 적혀 있다. 공주 시리즈에는 작가의 과거와 현재를 함께 담았다. '겨울왕국'의 엘사, '알라딘'의 자스민 등 이야기 속 여러 공주의 초상화 아래 작은 아이 캐릭터가 '공주'라는 제목의 책을 읽는 모습을 담은 작업 ...

      한국경제 | 2024.07.21 08:34 | YONHAP

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      "3D 일자리 40만 이주노동자가 담당…혐오·배제는 답 아냐"

      서울디아스포라교회 정진우 목사 "고용허가제를 노동허가제로 바꿔야" 필리핀 민주화 지원…"국제 기독 단체 도움으로 韓민주화, 빚 갚아야" "제가 '너무 일만 하지 말고 천천히 쉬면서 하세요'라고 예문을 들려줬더니 '한국에서 20년을 일했는데 이런 말을 처음 들었다'며 주르륵 눈물을 흘렸습니다. " 2020년 서울디아스포라교회를 설립해 필리핀 출신 노동자 등을 상대로 목회 활동을 하는 정진우(67) 담임목사는 이주민이 처한 노동 환경을 단적...

      한국경제 | 2024.07.21 06:03 | YONHAP

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      Hong In-gyu imagined Kim Jun-ho's future as a father

      ... have a child, I think Jun-ho will buy everything the child asks for." . When people here and there said "That's right!", Hong In-gyu added, "That's why I get scolded by (Kim) Jimin every day~", making everyone burst into laughter. ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.19 15:11 | Bella

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      Lee Da-eun's second childbirth date is August 10th

      ... people who arrived at Incheon International Airport self-disclosed, saying, "I almost couldn't come because I had a big fight right before coming to Korea," and stamped a sign on the notice board that said, "Do you promise not to fight?" Immediately ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.19 15:07 | Bella

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      Jeon Jin, you changed after getting married.

      ... put on body lotion and put it on. My wife likes to do it the same way she would a baby. I like things like, 'Now, raise your right foot.' So on days when I'm in good condition, I say, 'Put your right foot up.'" He continued, "If my wife...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.18 16:09 | Yuna

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      Behind-the-scenes stills from the movie 'Project Silence' have been released

      ... daughter Kyeong-min, and Kim Hee-won, who plays Dr. Yang, the head researcher of 'Project Silence', performs a lively performance right in front of the camera, shows the interest in the work through Lee Sun-kyun's off-camera appearance. I can feel his sincerity ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.18 13:50 | Bella

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      Lee Ji-hoon's wife Ayane is giving birth soon.

      ... like I'm having a lot of contractions, but... “It’s the first time I’ve ever had regular stomachaches, right?” he said. “I didn’t panic and turned on the pain reliever app in the morning and searched a lot, but it’s ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.17 15:11 | Bella

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      Ahn Hyo-seop "I have no celebrity friends"

      ... gratitude.” Jang Do-yeon asked if it was uncomfortable, saying, "It's just a small difference. It's good to have the right amount of tension, but in some ways, it's uncomfortable." Ahn Hyo-seop embarrassed Jang Do-yeon by honestly confessing, "I ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.17 15:00 | leesojung

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      Hyo-seop Ahn "I enjoy watching spiders mating"

      ... do you mainly watch? I also heard that you watch ‘spiders mating.’” Ahn Hyo-seop said, “That’s right. I see that a lot.” Jang Do-yeon asked, “Do you like spiders or do you like mating?” As soon as he heard it, Ahn ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.07.17 14:59 | leesojung