전체뉴스 8321-8330 / 8,373건
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[해외유머] '괴벽'
... things any way." "Is that so?" said another member of the party. "With which hand do you stir your coffee?" "I stir it with my right hand at times, and then again I stir it with my left hand. It makes little difference which." "How peculiar!" answered the other. ...
한국경제 | 1996.11.18 00:00
[해외유머] '몰인정'
... tell me which one it is, "I''ll grant you the loan." The customer looked at the manager''s eyes intently, and then said, "it''s your right eye." "That''s correct," said the manager. "The loan is yours. How did you guess?" "Well," came the reply, "it appeared the more ...
한국경제 | 1996.11.02 00:00
[해외유머] '조니의 아버지'
... : "Johny, you are not doing very well. I want to speak to your father, so tell him to come and see me tomorrow." Johny : "All right, sir. But you will be sorry. You know my father is a doctor and he will charge one hundred dollars for each visit." charge : (대금을) ...
한국경제 | 1996.10.30 00:00
[해외유머] '부자'
... "Look here, you see those two candles over there. Well, when you can see four, you must get up and go home." "That''s all right, father," replied the young man, "but as there is only one candle there at present, don''t you thing you''d better be leav-ing?" ...
한국경제 | 1996.10.23 00:00
[해외유머] '취객'
A drunk hailed a cab in Times Square and said, "Take me to Times Square." The taxi driver said, "You''re right here." The drunk gave him a twenty bill. "Very good. But next time don''t drive so fast." hail a cab : 택시를 소리쳐 부르다 Times Square : 타임스 스퀘어. ...
한국경제 | 1996.10.18 00:00
[해외유머] '신부와 목사'
... person in the confessional booth was a young man who promptly confessed to an act of fornication. Said the preacher, "That''s all right, son...just drop $100 into the collection box as you leave." The man cried. "But Father King only charges $10!" The preacher ...
한국경제 | 1996.10.12 00:00
[시론] 공정위의 전속고발권 .. 이재우 <한국경제연>
... 경쟁정책의 전문가들 가운데는 공정거래법의 징역, 벌금 등 형사처벌 절차가 경쟁정책의 이슈에는 부적합하다는 극단적인 주장을 하는 이도 있다. 경쟁정책과 관련된 사건의 경우 대개 옳고 그룹의 갈등(conflicts between right and wrong)이 아니라 서로 다른 이해집단간의 갈등 (conflicts between different interest groups) 이라고 주장한다. 이러한 갈등은 처벌로서 풀기보다는 합리적인 조정으로 풀어야 한다는 주장까지 가능하다. ...
한국경제 | 1996.10.10 00:00
[해외유머] '손님은 왕'
... I''m talking about." The owner bowed graciously. "If you say so, my dear lady," he said. "In my shop, the customer is always right." arrogant : 오만한 antique shop : 골동품가게 fragile : 망가지기 쉬운 nuisance : 귀찮은 (성가신) 사람 pretend : ~인체 하다 ----------------------------...
한국경제 | 1996.09.17 00:00
[해외유머] '가정학습'
... bringing home stacks of books, which his mother took a look at and was appalled that kids were being taught this awful stuff, and right in school, at that. So she jumped to the old man and prevailed upon him to have a talk with the boy. The father walked into the ...
한국경제 | 1996.08.01 00:00
[해외유머] '능률전문가'
... chatting for a few moments, he said, "Let''s go for a walk in the garden." "I can only spare a minute," she said. "That''s all right," said Stan, "I''m an efficency expert." ---------------------------------------------------------------------- spy out : ~을 ...
한국경제 | 1996.05.11 00:00