전체뉴스 8341-8350 / 8,416건
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[해외유머] '여자의 화근'
... lass who wanted to become an air line stewardess. These girls have to be really fit, so the exam was thorough. "Heart''s all right," said the doc. "Lung''s all right... Now show me the thing that gets all you girls in trouble!" As she reached to strip off her ...
한국경제 | 1998.03.04 00:00
[해외유머] '아버지와 어머니'
... and-." His mother stopped him, saying, "Tell me the rest when your Daddy gets home tonight." At dinner that night, she said, "All right, Bobby, you may finish your story." "Well, last Sunday, when you weren''t home," lisped Bobby, "Daddy took the maid upstairs ...
한국경제 | 1998.02.26 00:00
[해외유머] '아내와 여비서'
... his eyes and said, "Guess who?" "I told you there was no time for fooling around," he shouted. "I need to have those letters right now." ======================================================================= tiptoe : 발끝으로 걷다 clasp one''s hands : 양손의 손가락을 ...
한국경제 | 1998.02.14 00:00
[실록 '외환대란'] (1) '운명의 한달' .. "한국을 탈출하라"
... 언론들을 "저질 삼류에다 국익을 생각하지도 않는다"며 연일 출입기자들과 논전을 벌여 왔던 중이었다. 강부총리는 해외언론들과도 논전을 벌이게 되면서 "자신을 제외하고 모두를 상대로 싸우는" 꼴이 되고 말았다. 이날 저녁 결정타가 홍콩에서 날아들었다. 페레그린증권은 다음날 새벽 전세계에 배포될 보고서에 다음과 같이 썼다. "즉시 한국을 탈출하라 ; Get out of Korea,right now" (한국경제신문 1998년 2월 9일자).
한국경제 | 1998.02.09 00:00
[해외유머] '농산물 가격'
"Food prices are ridiculous," the city dweller told the farmer. "Never have farm products cost so much." "You''re right," agreed the farmer, "but you must understand-when a farmer is supposed to know the botanical names of what he''s raising and the ...
한국경제 | 1998.02.07 00:00
[해외유머] '섹스영화'
... "my mother said I''d turn to stone if I ever looked at a movie like that. And you know something? Part of me is getting hard right now." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- run smack into : 달음박질하여 ~와 부딪치다 What''s the ...
한국경제 | 1998.01.23 00:00
[해외유머] '경영 아이디어'
... why. "Well," the man said, "You know how those school-teachers are. They maked you do it over and over again until you get it right." ----------------------------------------------------------------------- obsessed with : ~에 사로잡혀 all manner of : 모든 종류의 ...
한국경제 | 1998.01.22 00:00
[해외유머] '레오나르도 다빈치'
...ther : "Do you know, son, who Leonardo da Vinci is?" Junior : "He''s the artist who painted Mona Lisa, isn''t he?" Father : "Right." Junior : "What about him, dad?" Father : "He was a genius. He was not only a painter but also a writer, a sculptor, an inventor ...
한국경제 | 1997.12.23 00:00
[해외유머] '판매원과 경찰관'
...-------------------------------- courtesy : 예의 spot : (구어)~을 발견하다 the force : (구어)경찰 미국 상인들의 격언 ''The customer is always right.'' (손님말이 언제나 옳다)를 빈정댄 것 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 손님들에게 공손치 못하다해서 판매원이 해고당했다. ...
한국경제 | 1997.12.20 00:00
돈보다 표쥔곳 입김 막강..미 정계 25대 로비집단 판도변화
... (1)미국 퇴직자협회 (2)미-이스라엘 공공문제 위원회 (3)AFL-CIO (4)비계열 사업연맹 (5)법정변호사 협회 (6)라이플(총)협회 (7)기독교도 연합 (8)의료협회 (9)교육협회 (10)생명권 위원회(National Right to Life Committee) (11)부동산업자협회 (12)금융인협회 (13)제조업자협회 (14)자치단체공무원연맹 (15)미국 상공회의소 (16)해외전쟁 참전군인회 (17)농장사무국연맹 (18)영화협회 (19)주택건축업협회 ...
한국경제 | 1997.11.25 00:00