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    전체뉴스 61-70 / 5,706건

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      TXT sets a new record on the Japanese Oricon chart

      ... record with each album they release. TOMORROW Liver normality was maintained. The title song 'Deja Vu' has been on the rise on the Japanese music charts since the start of domestic music broadcasting. This song, which entered Japan's Spotify's ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.09 16:10 | Arianne

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      Yoo Jae-seok and Yoo Yeon-seok running with their feet

      ... range from ‘9-10 o’clock hours’ to ‘15-16 o’clock hours’ waiting for the owner. Expectations are rising for whether the two MCs will be able to meet the owner of their niche time together, and for the 'niche-targeting variety' ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.09 13:43 | MinKyung

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      서울시발레단 첫 공연은 3인3색 안무 '봄의 제전'

      26∼28일 세종문화회관 M씨어터…안성수·유회웅·이루다 참여 지난 2월 창단한 서울시발레단이 첫 공연으로 3인 3색의 안무 '봄의 제전'을 선보인다. 세종문화회관은 오는 26∼28일 M씨어터에서 서울시발레단의 '봄의 제전'을 공연한다고 9일 밝혔다. 이번 무대는 사전 공연으로 공식 창단 공연은 8월에 열린다. 서울시발레단은 국립발레단, 광주시립발레단에 이어 48년 만에 창단된 국내 세 번째 공공발레단으로, 국내 최초의 컨템퍼러리(현대) ...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.09 10:51 | YONHAP

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      Kim Ho-joong's fan cafe membership exceeds 150,000

      ... continues to perform across various genres such as trot, pop, and classical music, his popularity and topicality are also on the rise. In addition, Kim Ho-joong is achieving great results by recording all of his songs on the charts with his recently released 2nd ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.09 10:00 | MinKyung

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      Byun Yo-han, stealing from others is his hobby

      ... Dragons', 'Mr. Sunshine', the movies 'Socialphobia', 'Jasaneobo', 'Voice', and 'Hansan: Rise of the Dragon'. In 'She's Dead', he plays the role of 'Goo Jeong-tae', a real estate agent with a bad ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 18:06 | Brady

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      Lee Sang-min clears 6.9 billion won in debt

      ... countered. The creditor continued, “I shouldn’t be angry here. “I thought, ‘A friend who has had a great rise will definitely rise again, let’s wait,’” he said, impressing Sangmin once again. Sangmin showed great emotion ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 15:33 | Yuna

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      Gwang-gyu Kim confesses to voice phishing

      ... phishing experience. In the 'Global LAN Line Manager' section, we introduce the breakfast service, which is a 'Rise' service in the apartment industry. In particular, Kim Gwang-gyu is said to have shown a special interest in the breakfast service, ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 15:33 | Yuna

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      Park Na-rae loses weight, twerks boldly in revealing outfit

      Na-rae Park and Se-hyung Yang will compete in singing for the first time through 'Brother and Sister Song Festival', Season 2 of 'Burning Roses'. In the 52nd episode of MBN's 'Burning Roses' Season 2 (hereinafter referred...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 15:32 | Yuna

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      Yoo Jae-seok→Yook Sung-jae and Espa Carina united

      ... As he has shown confidence in his listening ears to the point where he calls himself a 'top 100 ear', expectations are rising for Yoo Jae-seok's performance in an optimized format. Along with this, ‘genius singer-songwriter’ Lee Juk and ‘gag ...

      텐아시아 | 2024.04.08 08:55 | MinKyung

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      [한주간 주요 경제·암호화폐 일정] 美 연방공개시장위원회(FOMC) 회의록 공개 外

      ▶8일(월): △獨 무역수지 △日 조정경상수지 ▶9일(화): △美 FOMC 카시카리 연설 ▶10일(수): △美 주간 원유재고 △뉴질랜드 중앙은행 금리결정 △美 소비자물가지수 △캐나다 금리결정 △美 원유재고 ▶11일(목): △美 연방공개시장위원회(FOMC) 회의록 공개 △中 소비자물가지수 △中 생산자물가지수 △EU 금리결정 △美 생산자물가지수 △美 실업수당청구 ▶12일(금): △韓 실업률 △韓 금리결정 △中 무역수지 △英 GDP △獨 소비...

      한국경제 | 2024.04.07 17:13 | 이영민