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    전체뉴스 4781-4790 / 4,847건

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    • [경제노트] (영어로 배우는 국제경제) 'The Dangers...'

      The Dangers of Derivatives Custom tailored financial derivatives are a neat example of how invention becomes the mother of necessity. Since the financial engineers began tinkering with the machinery of money flows in the late 1980s, banks and oth...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.24 00:00

    • [해외유머] '개인비서 자격'

      The big boss needed a new secretary, so he asked the young ladies in the typing pool to list their qualifications. One girl wrote, "I type 70 words per minute and am always on time." Another girl claimed, "I dictate sorthand at 120 words per minut...

      한국경제 | 1999.05.18 00:00

    • [해외유머] '5학년 아이들'

      The luscious blonde was in her first fifth grade teaching job. The first day she got up on a ladder to write something at the top of the blackboard. As she heard one of her students laugh, she turned and demanded, "Leon, what''s so funny?" "I can ...

      한국경제 | 1999.04.23 00:00

    • [해외유머] '과학적 증명'

      A scientist was doing reseach on frogs. He laid a frog on a table, slammed his hand on the table, then yelled, "Jump!" The frog jumped. Next, he removed one front leg, yelled, "Jump!" and again the frog jumped. He removed another front leg and ...

      한국경제 | 1999.03.05 00:00

    • [해외유머] '징병검사'

      ... with my bare hands! I''ll..." The draft-board examiner looked at him and said "You''re crazy." To which the student replied, "Write that down! Write that down!" ----------------------------------------------------------------------- draft board : 징집위원회 the ...

      한국경제 | 1999.01.21 00:00

    • [해외유머] '주의력테스트'

      The psychoanalysist was testing the classroom on visual alertness. "Anyone give me a number," he said. A little girl said, "Twenty-three." The professor wrote it on the blackboard, "32." There was no correction from the classroom. "Very lame in ...

      한국경제 | 1999.01.15 00:00

    • [출판가] 유치환 영문번역 시집 출간 .. 미국 대학서

      .청마 유치환(1908~1967)의 대표시를 영역한 "Banner(깃발)"가 미국 노스캐롤라이나주 세인트 앤드류스대학 출판부에서 출간됐다. 이 시집에는 표제시 "깃발"을 비롯 "바위(Rock)" "생명의 서(Writing on Life)" 등 삶의 성찰을 담은 작품들이 실려있다. 번역은 김옥희(서강대 강사)씨와 미국인 케이 매클라나한(연세대 강사)씨가 맡았다. 화가 김상구 씨 등 4명의 그림도 곁들여 품격을 높였다. ( 한 국 경 제 ...

      한국경제 | 1998.12.30 00:00

    • [해외유머] '여선생의 일기'

      A comely school teacher had saved money for several years and was finally aboard a sleek ocean liner for her long-anticipated trip to Europe. Aboard ship she wrote her diary. "Monday. I felt singularly honored this evening. The captain asked me ...

      한국경제 | 1998.12.15 00:00

    • [금주 비즈니스 명언] '거래'

      A verbal contract isn"t worth the paper it"s written on. - Samuel Goldwyn 구두계약은 서면계약만 못하다. - 새뮤얼 골드윈(미국의 영화제작자.1882~1974.1) Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this-one dog does not change a bone with another. - Adam Smit...

      한국경제 | 1998.11.30 00:00

    • [해외유머] '이혼하기 전에'

      Ilka Chase''s first husband was the actor, Louis Calhern. After their brief romance they divorced and Calhern married Miss Julia Hoyt. A month or so later Ilka found in her trunk a box of beautiful calling cards printed, "Mrs. Louis Calhern." "I...

      한국경제 | 1998.11.25 00:00